Posts tagged good
Our Daily Prayer for Monday - Daniel Claudio

“The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.”

Psalm 103:8 NIV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Daniel Claudio

"God's Grace"

God, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ, thanking you for another opportunity to be in your presence. I thank you for who you are in my life. I thank you for the full pardon of my sins, through your Son Jesus.

Lord, may my life be a reflection of your abundant grace. Let me be an example of Your compassion, Your grace and Your love. Lord, I am filled with thanksgiving and praise for your countless blessings. I thank you for your blessed assurance that you supply my every need through your riches in glory. You are my provider and you sustain me.

Lord, may Your grace, mercy, and peace be with me, now and forevermore. May Your love continue to cover me and all who read this. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

El Señor es compasivo y clemente, tardo para la ira y grande en amor”.

Salmos 103:8 NVI

Escritura y Oración Enviado por: Daniel Claudio

"La gracia de Dios"

Dios, vengo a ti en el nombre de Jesucristo, agradeciéndote por otra oportunidad de estar en tu presencia. Te agradezco por lo que eres en mi vida. Te doy gracias por el perdón total de mis pecados, por medio de tu Hijo Jesús.

Señor, que mi vida sea un reflejo de tu abundante gracia. Déjame ser un ejemplo de Tu compasión, Tu gracia y Tu amor. Señor, estoy lleno de acción de gracias y alabanza por tus innumerables bendiciones. Te agradezco por tu bendita seguridad de que suples todas mis necesidades a través de tus riquezas en gloria. Eres mi proveedor y me sostienes.

Señor, que Tu gracia, misericordia y paz estén conmigo, ahora y para siempre. Que Tu amor me siga cubriendo a mí ya todos los que leen esto. Por Jesucristo, nuestro Señor, Amén.

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Our Daily Prayer for Friday - Debbie Gutierrez

"Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning."

Lamentations 3:23 NLT

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Debbie Gutierrez

Heavenly Father, we praise and worship Your Holy name, because You are good and Your mercies are new every morning. What a beautiful thing to remember when we are struggling at that Midnight Hour. To keep praying and pushing forward because in the morning Your mercies are new and waiting for us to receive and embrace them.

When I think about all that you have done for me my heart rejoices. I should never take for granted this gift of mercy that sometimes we refuse to show towards others in our lives. God forgive us and teach us to be merciful towards others, that we could show kindness and have soft tender words to those that are hurting around us. And we can be a light into their life, because you are that light Dear God.

I pray that your mercy guide our lips. Your mercy guide our language. Your mercy lead every decision we make. Your mercy lead everything that we do. Let the mercy of God season our hearts. In your blessed name we pray. Amen!

"Grande es su fidelidad; sus misericordias comienzan de nuevo cada mañana".

Lamentaciones 3:23 NLT

Escritura y oración enviadas por: Debbie Gutierrez

Padre celestial, alabamos y adoramos tu santo nombre, porque eres bueno y tus misericordias son nuevas cada mañana. Qué cosa tan hermosa para recordar cuando estamos luchando en esa Hora de la Medianoche. Seguir orando y empujando porque por la mañana Tus misericordias son nuevas y esperan que las recibamos y las abracemos.

Cuando pienso en todo lo que has hecho por mí, mi corazón se regocija. Nunca debería dar por sentado este don de misericordia que a veces nos negamos a mostrar hacia los demás en nuestras vidas. Dios perdónanos y enséñanos a ser misericordiosos con los demás, para que podamos mostrar bondad y tener palabras tiernas y suaves para aquellos que están sufriendo a nuestro alrededor. Y podemos ser una luz en su vida, porque tú eres esa luz Querido Dios.

Oro para que tu misericordia guíe nuestros labios. Tu misericordia guía nuestro idioma. Tu misericordia lidera cada decisión que tomamos. Tu misericordia lidera todo lo que hacemos. Deja que la misericordia de Dios sazone nuestros corazones. En tu bendito nombre oramos. ¡Amén!

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Our Daily Prayer for Wednesday - Bishop Kenneth Trawick Bilingual Spanish/English

“Now on the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they, [a]and certain other women with them, came to the tomb bringing the spices which they had prepared. 2 But they found the stone rolled away from the tomb. 3 Then they went in and did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. 4 And it happened, as they were [b]greatly perplexed about this, that behold, two men stood by them in shining garments. 5 Then, as they were afraid and bowed their faces to the earth, they said to them, “Why do you seek the living among the dead? 6 He is not here, but is risen! Remember how He spoke to you when He was still in Galilee,”

Luke 24:1-6 NKJV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Bishop Kenneth Trawick

Resurrection Hope:

The powerful truths of Christ’s resurrection bring with it the dramatic events of that glorious morning when His faithful followers went with spices in hand to prepare the body of Christ. They approach the tomb, only to be met by two men in shinning garments declaring “He is not here, but he has risen”. It is within this powerful declaration that the entire Christian faith is hinged upon.

Our hope is not in the things that we can see or touch, it is in the fact that Jesus died, was buried and rose again. The empty tomb testifies of hope that we as believers have even to this day. The great author C. Neil Strait so eloquently stated “Take from a man his wealth, and you hinder him; take from him his purpose, and you slow him down. But take from man his hope, and you topple him. He can go without wealth, and even without purpose, for a while. But he will not go on without hope”. Each of us can stand strong knowing that the tomb of Christ is empty and He has risen. He sits upon His throne and intercedes for us today and will soon come to receive us unto himself.


Heavenly Father, we thank you today for the power of your resurrection and the hope that it gives to each of us. Help us Lord, to display that hope to a lost and dying world. Help us to be conduits of your grace and mercy. When life gets tough and hope seems far away, help us to be reminded that it is on Christ the solid rock we stand and all other ground is sinking sand.

Keep us each day and help us to lift our eyes above life’s challenges and focus on the hope of our resurrection that comes only through our relationship with you. We praise you Lord, that because you live, we can face whatever life bring. For all of these things we ask in the matchless name of your Son Jesus Christ.


“El primer día de la semana, muy de mañana, vinieron al sepulcro, [a] y algunas otras mujeres con ellas, trayendo las especias aromáticas que habían preparado. 2 Pero hallaron quitada la piedra del sepulcro. 3 Entonces entraron y no encontraron el cuerpo del Señor Jesús. 4 Y sucedió que estando ellos [b] muy perplejos acerca de esto, he aquí, dos hombres se pusieron junto a ellos con vestiduras resplandecientes. 5 Entonces, teniendo miedo e inclinando el rostro a tierra, les dijeron: “¿Por qué buscáis entre los muertos al que vive? 6 ¡No está aquí, ha resucitado! Recuerda cómo te habló cuando todavía estaba en Galilea ”.

Lucas 24: 1-6 NKJV

Escritura y oración enviadas por: Obispo Kenneth Trawick

Esperanza de resurrección:

Las poderosas verdades de la resurrección de Cristo traen consigo los dramáticos eventos de esa gloriosa mañana cuando sus fieles seguidores fueron con especias aromáticas en la mano para preparar el cuerpo de Cristo. Se acercan a la tumba, solo para ser recibidos por dos hombres con ropas brillantes que declaran "No está aquí, pero ha resucitado". Dentro de esta poderosa declaración se basa toda la fe cristiana.

Nuestra esperanza no está en las cosas que podemos ver o tocar, es en el hecho de que Jesús murió, fue sepultado y resucitó. La tumba vacía testifica de la esperanza que tenemos los creyentes hasta el día de hoy. El gran autor C. Neil Strait declaró con tanta elocuencia: “Quitadle a un hombre su riqueza, y lo estorbaréis; quita de él su propósito, y lo ralentizas. Pero quita al hombre su esperanza y lo derribarás. Puede estar sin riquezas, e incluso sin un propósito, por un tiempo. Pero no seguirá sin esperanzas ”. Cada uno de nosotros puede mantenerse firme sabiendo que la tumba de Cristo está vacía y Él ha resucitado. Él se sienta en su trono e intercede por nosotros hoy y pronto vendrá a recibirnos a sí mismo.


Padre Celestial, te damos gracias hoy por el poder de tu resurrección y la esperanza que nos da a cada uno de nosotros. Ayúdanos Señor, a mostrar esa esperanza a un mundo perdido y moribundo. Ayúdanos a ser conductos de tu gracia y misericordia. Cuando la vida se ponga difícil y la esperanza parezca lejana, ayúdanos a recordar que es sobre Cristo la roca sólida donde estamos y que todo el resto del terreno es arena que se hunde.

Guárdanos cada día y ayúdanos a levantar la mirada por encima de los desafíos de la vida y a enfocarnos en la esperanza de nuestra resurrección que solo llega a través de nuestra relación contigo. Te alabamos Señor, porque porque vives, podemos enfrentar lo que sea que nos depare la vida. Por todas estas cosas te pedimos en el incomparable nombre de tu Hijo Jesucristo.


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Our Daily Prayer for Saturday - Marianna Beard

“And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful.”

Colossians 3:15 NKJV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Marianna Beard

Father God, you deserve all the glory, all the honor and all the praise! I come before you with a heart of gratitude. I thank you, first for salvation; through your Son’s atoning sacrifice I have been saved from sin and death. I thank you for my new life in you and I pray that our relationship grows stronger with each day. I pray that I may decrease so that You may increase in me.

You are a good, good Father and You satisfy all our desires. You know all our needs and hear us when we cry out to you. I pray that your children will put their hope and trust in You. Let us never forget that you are on your throne and you, God, are in control of all things.

You have called us to be different from this world; to show love and live in peace with one another. I pray that this world will not influence your children, but in all things be thankful. Let us be the salt and the light that this world depressively needs. Let us be witnesses of your great love and compassion. Thank you for giving us a spirit of power, love and of a sound mind.

I thank you for who You are, not for what you have done, of what you are going to do, but simply for who You are!


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Our Daily Prayer for Monday - Mother Cheryl'n Staggers

“Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.”

Colossians 3:16 NIV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Mother Cheryl'n Staggers

Dear Holy, Majestic Sovereign God, I praise You for who You are. I worship You because You are the True God. I love You because You first loved me, and taught me the true meaning of Love. For this I am truly thankful and come right now before You with a heart of gratitude.

Thank You, for showering down Your mercies and love on me so that I can share them, and do the same for others. Also for forgiving my sins and teaching me to love and forgive others. To press through what I see naturally and to love in the spirit.

I am yours; You have called me by my name. Goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. I belong to God and I have received His Holy Spirit. "Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let's show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe." (Hebrews 12:28 NASB)

Yes, I am my Father's daughter and I am truly grateful that He looked beyond my weakness and into the real me. For this I walk daily with a heart of gratitude. In Jesus name.


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Our Daily Prayer for Tuesday -Lashawnda Coleman

“Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.”

Psalm 100:4 KJV

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Lashawnda Coleman

My prayer theme: "Thank you!"

My Lord, My God, My Abba Father, My Heavenly Father, My Everything; I thank you for this day, that you have blessed me with. I Thank you Lord God, for placing me on my feet. I thank you Lord God, for every precious breath, you breathe into my body.

I thank you Lord God, for healing me! For your word says by his stripes, we are healed! (Isaiah 53:5 KJV) In Jesus Name! Lord God I thank you for my testimony! You healed me of Cancer! A testimony of not just healing me, but delivering me from myself.

Father, I thank you for NEVER leaving nor forsaking me (Psalms 27:9 KJV).Though I walked through the valley, Lord God, you were with me; you shielded me, you guided me, you never gave up on me. Lord God, you strengthen me; my life will never be the same.

Father, you rescued me, and you planted my feet on solid ground. Lord God, I thank you for my song; that I can lift up my voice to the heavens and sing your praises! Lord God, I thank you that when I kneel before you in worship, through prayer I am heard. Lord God, I thank you for hearing my prayers, as well as answering them.

Lord God, I thank you for every provision; from the roof over my head, the food I eat, the bed I lay in, to the car I drive, to the job I work, the bills I pay and the clothes on my body. Lord God, I thank you for it All; even what I have not spoken, let it not go unnoticed.

Lord God, I thank you, that everything in this world will and shall give you Praise, Jesus!! Lord God, I thank you for setting me free! No longer am I a slave to Anything! But I am a child of God! Let there not be a day that goes by that I don't give you thanks and praise. In Jesus Holy Heavenly Name I pray.


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