Posts tagged God of the valley
Our Daily Prayer for Thursday - Rev. Millie McFarland

The Lord appeared to him from far away. I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.”

Jeremiah 31:3 ESV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Rev. Millie McFarland

"God's Love is Everlasting"

Heavenly Father, I lift my eyes to the hills from where my help comes from; my help comes from You the maker of heaven and earth. You are so, so good to me; You are merciful and compassionate. Great is your faithfulness.

Father, not just in the past, but in this very moment, you love me and all those reading and hearing this prayer with an everlasting love. Your love knows no limits or bounds. It crosses the highest mountains and it is deeper than the deep blue sea. I can't change Your love, I cannot add to your love, nor can I take anything away from it. Your love is pure and unconditional. Your love brings peace, to my chaos. Your love brings hope for a better tomorrow. Your love brings joy to all that are suffering or grieving. Your love brings freedom to all that are captive. Your love is life.

Father, I thank You for Your endless, everlasting love. In the matchless name of Jesus I pray.


“El Señor se le apareció de lejos. te he amado con un amor eterno; por tanto, he continuado mi fidelidad hacia ti.”

Jeremías 31:3 NVI

Escritura y Oración Presentado por: Rev. Millie McFarland

"El amor de Dios es eterno"

Padre Celestial, levanto mis ojos a los montes de donde viene mi socorro; mi socorro viene de ti, creador del cielo y de la tierra. Eres tan, tan bueno conmigo; Eres misericordioso y compasivo. Grande es tu fidelidad.

Padre, no solo en el pasado, sino en este mismo momento, me amas a mí y a todos los que leen y escuchan esta oración con un amor eterno. Tu amor no conoce límites ni fronteras. Atraviesa las montañas más altas y es más profundo que el mar azul profundo. No puedo cambiar Tu amor, no puedo añadir a tu amor, ni puedo quitarle nada. Tu amor es puro e incondicional. Tu amor trae paz, a mi caos. Tu amor trae la esperanza de un mañana mejor. Tu amor trae alegría a todos los que están sufriendo o afligidos. Tu amor trae libertad a todos los que están cautivos. Tu amor es vida.

Padre, te agradezco por tu amor infinito y eterno. En el incomparable nombre de Jesús oro.


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Our Daily Prayer for Friday - Wanda Moreno

“And we also thank God continually because, when you received, the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as a human word but as it actually is, the word of God, which is indeed at work in you who believe.”

1 Thessalonians 2:13 NIV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Wanda Moreno


Father God, thank you for your love, your grace and your mercy. There are so many distractions this time of the year. There are many who are suffering for many reasons; loss of jobs, loss of friends and loved ones as well as family members. It has been very challenging for many people. Confusion, and despair linger in the air. A sense of mourning and disbelieve has visited the world. More and more people are asking why questions, as they try to get back to the life they once knew. Lord we pray that you will give us peace and comfort.

When we face struggles, challenges, and difficult times, when we are uncertain at any given instant we must refocus on your power and your presence in our lives. When we believe that you're in control, that everything that happens to us, is for us, to learn and to grow in our walk and in our faith in you to reveal to us your plan for our lives and our purpose,

I pray for every person reading this today. Lord, this person came here today looking for you, looking for hope, and looking for comfort. Father let your loving arms wrap around each and every one in need of reassurance that you are alive! That you love and care for us. Give us Lord the strength we need to believe even when it seems like your far way. Remind us Father, that you are but a whisper away. Reminds us that at the mention of your Sons name, "Jesus" demons are removed, sickness is destroyed and in return you my Lord give us hope. Seal within us your love, strength and power to overcome every storm that arises to test our beliefs and our faith in you.

Lord, we thank you for protection, for your provision, and most of all we thank you for sacrificing your Son Jesus so that we can have a relationship with you. Continue to guide our steps, quicken us with your word when we find ourselves in despair. Remind us that we serve a loving God who longs to be a part of our lives. Let our light shine so bright, Lord that people will be drawn to it and ask us to share that JOY with them. Give us Lord, the words we need to share with someone who needs to know that as long as you're in the midst everything will be ok, even if we don’t know how or when, we put our trust in you Lord.


“Y también damos gracias a Dios continuamente porque, cuando recibiste la palabra de Dios, que oíste de nosotros, la aceptaste no como una palabra humana, sino como en realidad es, la palabra de Dios, que en verdad está obrando en ti. quien cree."

1 Tesalonicenses 2:13 NVI

Escritura y oración enviadas por: Wanda Moreno


Dios Padre, gracias por tu amor, tu gracia y tu misericordia. Hay tantas distracciones en esta época del año. Hay muchos que sufren por muchas razones; pérdida de empleo, pérdida de amigos y seres queridos, así como de miembros de la familia. Ha sido un gran desafío para muchas personas. La confusión y la desesperación permanecen en el aire. Una sensación de luto y de incredulidad ha visitado el mundo. Cada vez más personas se preguntan por qué, mientras intentan volver a la vida que una vez conocieron. Señor, te pedimos que nos des paz y consuelo.

Cuando enfrentamos luchas, desafíos y tiempos difíciles, cuando no estamos seguros en un momento dado, debemos volver a enfocarnos en tu poder y tu presencia en nuestras vidas. Cuando creemos que tienes el control, que todo lo que nos pasa, es para nosotros, para aprender y crecer en nuestro caminar y en nuestra fe en ti para revelarnos tu plan para nuestras vidas y nuestro propósito,

Oro por cada persona que lee esto hoy. Señor, esta persona vino aquí hoy buscándote, buscando esperanza y buscando consuelo. ¡Padre, deja que tus brazos amorosos envuelvan a todos y cada uno de los que necesitan la seguridad de que estás vivo! Que nos amas y cuidas. Danos, Señor, la fuerza que necesitamos para creer incluso cuando parezca que estás lejos. Recuérdanos Padre, que estás a un susurro de distancia. Nos recuerda que ante la mención del nombre de sus Hijos, los demonios de "Jesús" se eliminan, la enfermedad se destruye y, a cambio, usted mi Señor nos da esperanza. Sella dentro de nosotros tu amor, fuerza y ​​poder para superar cada tormenta que surja para poner a prueba nuestras creencias y nuestra fe en ti.

Señor, te agradecemos por tu protección, por tu provisión, y sobre todo te agradecemos por sacrificar a tu Hijo Jesús para que podamos tener una relación contigo. Continúa guiando nuestros pasos, vivifícanos con tu palabra cuando nos encontremos desesperados. Recuérdenos que servimos a un Dios amoroso que anhela ser parte de nuestras vidas. Deja que nuestra luz brille tan brillante, Señor, que la gente se sienta atraída hacia ella y nos pida que compartamos esa ALEGRÍA con ellos. Danos Señor, las palabras que necesitamos compartir con alguien que necesita saber que mientras estés en medio todo estará bien, incluso si no sabemos cómo o cuándo, ponemos nuestra confianza en ti Señor.


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Our Daily Prayer for Monday - Mother Cheryl'n Staggers

“Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.”

Colossians 3:16 NIV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Mother Cheryl'n Staggers

Dear Holy, Majestic Sovereign God, I praise You for who You are. I worship You because You are the True God. I love You because You first loved me, and taught me the true meaning of Love. For this I am truly thankful and come right now before You with a heart of gratitude.

Thank You, for showering down Your mercies and love on me so that I can share them, and do the same for others. Also for forgiving my sins and teaching me to love and forgive others. To press through what I see naturally and to love in the spirit.

I am yours; You have called me by my name. Goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. I belong to God and I have received His Holy Spirit. "Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let's show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe." (Hebrews 12:28 NASB)

Yes, I am my Father's daughter and I am truly grateful that He looked beyond my weakness and into the real me. For this I walk daily with a heart of gratitude. In Jesus name.


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Our Daily Prayer for Friday - Rev. Sandra Jones

“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in You.”

Isaiah 26:3 (NIV)

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Rev. Sandra Jones

A thought to ponder:

From the creation of the human race, there has been conflicts, beginning with the first and GREATEST institution, The Family: Whether it is against father and mother, or sibling against sibling, neighbor against neighbor, or nation against nation.


Heavenly Father, Creator of the heavens and the earth; how excellent is Your name. You are the sweet Rose of Sharon, the Lily of the Valley, and the Bright and Morning Star.

We rise this morning to give thanks to You for enabling us to see another beautiful day. We acknowledge that all good gifts come from You, and we do not take lightly the many blessings You have bestowed upon us. We pray each day that we live a life that pleases You; that the glory of God continues to shine upon us, and the world may see and are drawn to You.

Father, may we live in harmony with those around us, to love, and to be kind one to another. Finally, according to Your Word, You would keep us in perfect peace as long as we keep our eyes upon You. Cause us to see each other as you see us; this we pray in the name of Jesus.


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Our Daily Prayer for Wednesday - Bishop Richard Douglass Morton

“He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.”


Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Bishop Richard Douglass Morton

Merciful and Everlasting God, our Heavenly Father; we come before your presence in the mighty name of Jesus of Nazareth.

We come claiming this scripture, that You would be with us Lord God, in times of trouble. You are not just a God of the good times, but your word teaches us, that you are even with us in trouble.

You are not just our God on the mountain, but you are also our God in the valley. We give you praise for this and for the fact that you said you would never leave us nor forsake us. This is a promise we have in you! Amen. We pray Lord be with those who need you, and for those who need comforting, Please comfort them.

Be a help in Jesus name we pray.


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