Posts tagged foundation
Our Daily Prayer for Saturday - Demetrius Dailey

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

3 John 1:2 KJV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Demetrius Dailey


Father, I thank you for loving us unconditionally and for forgiving us for all of our sins. I thank you for cleansing us from all unrighteousness and healing us from all sicknesses and diseases.

Jesus, you are our King and have given us victory even when we can’t see it. All you ask of us is to love and trust you! You said abide in you and you will abide in us, so I thank you for who you are! I thank you that you have a place prepared for us so great, that our minds cannot comprehend it, and your coming back as King. But while we wait, we wait with patience and an assurance that every one of our needs are met according to your riches and glory.

I thank you that we can put our hope in you and that we can also cast all of cares to you. Anxiety must flee, depression has to go, addictions will be defeated in your matchless name Lord Jesus. We pray all these things in your name!


Amado, deseo sobre todas las cosas que seas prosperado y que tengas salud, así como prospera tu alma.

3 Juan 1:2 RVR1960

Escritura y Oración Enviado por: Demetrius Dailey


Padre, te agradezco por amarnos incondicionalmente y por perdonarnos todos nuestros pecados. Te agradezco por limpiarnos de toda maldad y sanarnos de todas las enfermedades y dolencias.

Jesús, eres nuestro Rey y nos has dado la victoria incluso cuando no podemos verla. ¡Todo lo que nos pides es amarte y confiar en ti! Dijiste que permanezcas en ti y permanecerás en nosotros, ¡así que te agradezco por lo que eres! Te agradezco que tengas preparado un lugar tan grande para nosotros, que nuestra mente no puede comprenderlo, y tu regreso como Rey. Pero mientras esperamos, esperamos con paciencia y seguridad de que cada una de nuestras necesidades será satisfecha de acuerdo a tus riquezas y gloria.

Te agradezco que podamos poner nuestra esperanza en ti y que también podamos depositar en ti todas nuestras preocupaciones. La ansiedad debe huir, la depresión tiene que irse, las adicciones serán vencidas en tu nombre incomparable Señor Jesús. ¡Oramos todas estas cosas en tu nombre!


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Our Daily Prayer for Saturday - Rebecca Hernandez Rivera

"Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."

Hebrews 4:16

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Rebecca Hernandez Rivera

Heavenly Father, I am coming to your throne with a humble heart; thanking you for life, your grace, your mercy and your love that are new each day. Thank you for allowing me once again to bless each person that is reading this.

God, at this moment I pray you continue to build, strengthen and give confidence to each person that read this. Lord, I come against the darts, that the enemy throws to our minds telling us that we have no access to your throne. Devil your are a liar!!! I rebuke you in the name of JESUS! We are free because of the blood you shed Lord, and I thank you!

Lord, in the times that we are living in, I pray that those who don’t believe can understand that without you we are nothing. Let them have a true encounter with you, let them see that your mercy is the only thing that help us through!

Abba, I present those who have petitions before your throne, may you answer it in your divine time and when you do, may they give you the glory today, and always

Father, bless your people, bless their families, bless the community, bless this state, country and nation. We know you have everything under control!

We declare all this in Your Holy name!


Acerquémonos entonces al trono de la gracia de Dios con confianza, para que podamos recibir misericordia y encontrar la gracia que nos ayude en nuestro momento de necesidad ".

Hebreos 4:16

Escritura y oración enviadas por: Rebecca Hernandez Rivera

Padre Celestial, vengo a tu trono con un corazón humilde; agradeciéndote la vida, tu gracia, tu misericordia y tu amor que son nuevos cada día. Gracias por permitirme una vez más bendecir a cada persona que lee esto.

Dios, en este momento te pido que sigas construyendo, fortaleciendo y dando confianza a cada persona que lee esto. Señor, vengo contra los dardos, que el enemigo lanza a nuestras mentes diciéndonos que no tenemos acceso a tu trono. Diablo eres un mentiroso !!! ¡Te reprendo en el nombre de JESÚS! Somos libres por la sangre que derramaste Señor, ¡y te doy las gracias!

Señor, en los tiempos que vivimos, oro para que aquellos que no creen puedan entender que sin ti no somos nada. ¡Permítales tener un verdadero encuentro contigo, déjalos ver que tu misericordia es lo único que nos ayuda a superarlo!

Abba, te presento a los que tienen peticiones ante tu trono, que las respondas en tu tiempo divino y cuando las hagas, que te den la gloria hoy y siempre.

Padre, bendice a tu gente, bendice a sus familias, bendice a la comunidad, bendice a este estado, país y nación. ¡Sabemos que lo tienes todo bajo control!

¡Declaramos todo esto en Tu Santo Nombre!


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Our Daily Prayer for Tuesday - Rev. Chris Brown

“To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

Colossians 1:27 KJV

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

Hebrews 11:1 KJV

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Rev. Chris Brown

We Still Have Hope!

Heavenly Father I give you praise and thank you for another day that you have decided to wake me up. In a world now that is full of chaos and things seem to be out of control, I know that you are still in control. I join with the songwriter who penned the lyrics, “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness, I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus' name.”

We usually pray and ask for material things, but today we ask you to increase our faith. In a world that is shaken, we ask that you help us to not have our faith shaken and to keep us on that firm foundation, which is you. Help us dear Lord to keep our eyes fixed on you and not what is going on around us. You said in your word “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.”

Father God, I trust in you in spite of what the enemy has planned for me, because I know that you have for me are bigger and better plans. Although I may not be able to understand everything that’s going around me, I end this prayer by letting you know that I trust you. Even when I can’t trace you, I’ll still trust you. You are my hope!


Text to meditate on:

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

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