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Our Daily Prayer for Saturday - Tomas Reyes, Jr.

“Do not remember the former things,
Nor consider the things of old.
19 Behold, I will do a new thing,
Now it shall spring forth;
Shall you not know it?
I will even make a road in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert.”

Isaiah 43:18-19 NKJV

Scripture and prayer submitted by: Tomas Reyes, Jr.

"New Beginnings"

Lord, thank you so much for the new things you are doing daily in my life and those around me. From doing all the “religious” actions as purely routine and rote, your Holy Spirit has led me, very gently, to talk to you every day and hear your instructions for that day. You have healed my body from many petty, nuisance maladies that have been attacks from the enemy.

I am certain that my daily conversations with you Lord, are the reason that my health has improved. Many of your servants have encouraged me to “walk in my healing” and I have discovered a new and wonderful fact; one can walk in one’s healing by believing in God’s awesome power and His promise. Please touch those reading today and reassure them that they too can enjoy with confidence that you are close to them and willing to walk with them through any and all challenges they face.

May you continue to transform me and make me new in you!


No os acordéis de las cosas pasadas, ni consideréis las cosas antiguas. 19 He aquí, haré algo nuevo, que ahora brotará; ¿no lo sabréis? Y haré camino en el desierto, y ríos en la soledad .”

Isaías 43:18-19 NVI

Escritura y oración enviadas por: Tomas Reyes, Jr.

"Nuevos comienzos"

Señor, muchas gracias por las cosas nuevas que estás haciendo diariamente en mi vida y en los que me rodean. De hacer todas las acciones “religiosas” como puramente rutinarias y rutinarias, tu Santo Espíritu me ha llevado, muy suavemente, a hablar contigo todos los días y escuchar tus instrucciones para ese día. Has curado mi cuerpo de muchas enfermedades insignificantes y molestas que han sido ataques del enemigo.

Estoy seguro que mis conversaciones diarias contigo Señor, son la razón por la que mi salud ha mejorado. Muchos de tus servidores me han animado a “caminar en mi sanidad” y he descubierto un hecho nuevo y maravilloso; uno puede caminar en la sanidad de uno al creer en el asombroso poder de Dios y Su promesa. Conmueva a quienes lean hoy y asegúreles que ellos también pueden disfrutar con la confianza de que usted está cerca de ellos y está dispuesto a caminar con ellos a través de todos los desafíos que enfrentan.

¡Que sigas transformándome y haciéndome nuevo en ti!


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Our Daily Prayer for Monday - Rev. Millie McFarland

"Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert."

Isaiah 43:18-19

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Rev. Millie McFarland

"New Beginnings"

Heavenly Father, I come into your presence with a heart of thanksgiving and praise. Here I am Father, I’m on my knees again thinking of all the things you have done in my life. I thank you for keeping me and bringing me through 2021. Father a new year has dawned and with it a time for a new beginning. I want to be filled with the hope only You can provide.

Father, last year for so many, was consumed with stress, worry, and fear. So many people were isolated and depressed due to the pandemic and everything going on in this world. But I thank you for your faithfulness and for keeping me. Father, as I go to You in prayer, I pray for those that are battling depression, isolation, fear and anxiety. Turn their situation around and let them see that there is a new beginning in You.

Father, I pray for the health and happiness of my family, my friends, my neighbors and even strangers I don't know. I know You are in control of the world, and no matter what goes on I must trust in You. So, I place everyone in Your capable hands and trust Your plan for our lives.

Father, in the past, I have considered the first day of the year to be a time for renewal, of rededication and new beginnings, only to fall short of my goals within hours and being discouraged. But, today, I am asking for Your help and I will follow Your guidance and direction. I ask for You to help me put the past behind me, and to move forward in my newness of life in You. I also ask that You help me share Your love with others. Give me the strength to stand and not waver.

Father, I pray that in these coming days there will be new beginnings for everyone and that we walk in love. I pray we all seek a closer walk and relationship with You. I thank You for Your love and faithfulness. In the mighty name of Jesus I pray.


"No te acuerdes de las cosas anteriores, ni consideres las cosas de antaño. He aquí, estoy haciendo una cosa nueva; ahora brota, ¿no lo percibes? Yo abriré un camino en el desierto y ríos en el desierto".

Isaías 43: 18-19

Escritura y oración enviadas por: Rev. Millie McFarland

"Nuevos comienzos"

Padre Celestial, vengo a tu presencia con un corazón de agradecimiento y alabanza. Aquí estoy Padre, estoy de rodillas otra vez pensando en todas las cosas que has hecho en mi vida. Te agradezco por mantenerme y llevarme hasta el 2021. Padre, ha amanecido un nuevo año y con él un tiempo para un nuevo comienzo. Quiero estar lleno de la esperanza que solo Tú puedes brindar.

Padre, el año pasado para muchos, estaba consumido por el estrés, la preocupación y el miedo. Mucha gente estaba aislada y deprimida debido a la pandemia y todo lo que sucedía en este mundo. Pero te agradezco tu fidelidad y tu cuidado. Padre, cuando voy a ti en oración, oro por aquellos que están luchando contra la depresión, el aislamiento, el miedo y la ansiedad. Dale la vuelta a su situación y déjales ver que hay un nuevo comienzo en Ti.

Padre, oro por la salud y la felicidad de mi familia, mis amigos, mis vecinos e incluso extraños que no conozco. Sé que tienes el control del mundo y, pase lo que pase, debo confiar en ti. Por eso, pongo a todos en Tus manos capaces y confío en Tu plan para nuestras vidas.

Padre, en el pasado, he considerado el primer día del año como un momento de renovación, de rededicación y nuevos comienzos, solo para no alcanzar mis metas en horas y desanimarme. Pero hoy, te estoy pidiendo tu ayuda y seguiré Tu guía y dirección. Te pido que me ayudes a dejar atrás el pasado y a avanzar en mi novedad de vida en Ti. También te pido que me ayudes a compartir tu amor con los demás. Dame la fuerza para estar de pie y no vacilar.

Padre, oro para que en estos próximos días haya un nuevo comienzo para todos y que caminemos en amor. Oro para que todos busquemos un caminar y una relación más cercana contigo. Te doy gracias por tu amor y fidelidad. En el poderoso nombre de Jesús oro.


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Our Daily Prayer for Tuesday - Rev. Grace Reyes

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;
Before you were born I sanctified you;
I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”

Jeremiah 1:5 NKJV

“Truly my soul silently waits for God;
From Him comes my salvation.”

Psalm 62:1-2 NKJV

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Rev. Grace Reyes

Thought: Nothing, absolutely nothing is a surprise to God.

Holy Righteous Father, I come to you with a hopeful spirit. I come trusting that you are above all the earth and therefore sovereign.

I am pleading on behalf of our land, Lord; asking that your mercy and forgiveness flow on this dry land and that you send your healing virtues to minister to our weary hearts. We have strayed from your will and we come before you Holy Father, with a repentant and humbled heart, we lay our battered souls at your merciful feet.

Let your mercy flow into each and every crevice that is dry this season. Make us see clearly where we need to repent and come back into your will.

Heal our land, Lord; give sound council and direction to our leaders, so that they may lead us on the path that is your will, and for our good.

I come on behalf of those suffering loss due to this ongoing pandemic, loss of love ones, loss of their own health and finances. Bless each and every one and heal them so that they bring to others a testimony of your healing power.

I will be careful to give you praise and worship during this trying season. I know that you are a deliverer of your people and nothing comes as a surprise to you. I give you thanks for all the things being worked out in the unseen realm that will ultimately be for our good and for your glory! In Jesus name.


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