Posts tagged LOVING GOD
Our Daily Prayer for Saturday - Lily Tavarez

“Jehovah is my strength and my shield. My heart hath trusted in him, and I am helped. Therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth, and with my song I will praise him.”

Psalm 28:7 ABS

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Lily Tavarez


Father God, I come into your presence with a contrite and humble heart asking for forgiveness of my sins if I have failed you without knowing. Thank you for all your provisions and blessings even when we don’t deserve them and for always being by our side, like the faithful Father that you are.

I ask you that the same way you chose me, and showed me you are always present in my life, and never failed me, that you demonstrate the same love to those that don’t know you. Show them that they also are not alone in their tribulations and that You would never fail them or forsake them. Your promise is still alive to all that accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and follow him faithfully. We will all be together with Him and the Father whom is on the throne.

Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of good courage; be not affrighted, neither be thou dismayed: for Jehovah thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.

Joshua 1:9 ABS


“Jehová es mi fuerza y ​​mi escudo. Mi corazón ha confiado en él, y soy ayudado. Por tanto, mi corazón se regocija en gran manera, y con mi cántico lo alabaré”.

Salmo 28:7 NVI

Escritura y Oración Enviado por: Lily Tavarez


Padre Dios, vengo a tu presencia con un corazón contrito y humilde pidiendo perdón por mis pecados si te he fallado sin saberlo. Gracias por todas tus provisiones y bendiciones aun cuando no las merecemos y por estar siempre a nuestro lado, como el Padre fiel que eres.

Te pido que de la misma manera que me elegiste y me demostraste que siempre estás presente en mi vida y nunca me fallaste, demuestres el mismo amor a aquellos que no te conocen. Muéstrales que ellos tampoco están solos en sus tribulaciones y que Tú nunca les fallarás ni los desampararás. Tu promesa sigue viva para todos los que aceptan a Jesús como su Señor y Salvador, y lo siguen fielmente. Todos estaremos juntos con Él y el Padre que está en el trono.

¿No te lo he mandado yo? Sé fuerte y valiente; no temas, ni desmayes, porque Jehová tu Dios estará contigo en dondequiera que fueres.

Josué 1:9 ABS


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Our Daily Prayer for Tuesday - Minister Alexander LaLuz

“In view of all this, make every effort to respond to God’s promises. Supplement your faith with a generous provision of moral excellence, and moral excellence with knowledge, 6 and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with patient endurance, and patient endurance with godliness, 7 and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love for everyone.”

2 Peter 1:5-7 NLT

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Minister Alexander LaLuz


Lord of all creation, I worship and adore your holy name. I am grateful for your love and generosity towards me and my family. You are faithful and your promises are true.

I am so glad that you see past our mistakes and our short comings. Your love is unconditional and pure. All you ask is that we love You, confess our sins and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and You do the rest. If we have faith in You, You give us self control and endurance to get through the temptations that satan throws our way. Without You we cannot withstand the wiles of the enemy. I thank you for Your presence in my life. Continue to minister to me and all those around me, so that we can inturn minister and love others.

I thank you, in your holy name I pray.


“En vista de todo esto, esfuércense por responder a las promesas de Dios. Complemente su fe con una provisión generosa de excelencia moral, y excelencia moral con conocimiento, 6 y conocimiento con dominio propio, y dominio propio con paciencia, y paciencia con piedad, 7 y piedad con afecto fraternal, y afecto fraternal con amor para todos.”

2 Pedro 1:5-7 NTV

Escritura y Oración Presentado por: Ministro Alexander LaLuz


Señor de toda la creación, venero y adoro tu santo nombre. Estoy agradecido por su amor y generosidad hacia mí y mi familia. Eres fiel y tus promesas son verdaderas.

Estoy tan contenta de que veas más allá de nuestros errores y nuestras deficiencias. Tu amor es incondicional y puro. Todo lo que pides es que te amemos, confesemos nuestros pecados y aceptemos a Jesús como tu Señor y Salvador y Tú hagas el resto. Si tenemos fe en ti, nos das autocontrol y resistencia para superar las tentaciones que satanás nos lanza. Sin Ti no podemos resistir las artimañas del enemigo. Te agradezco tu presencia en mi vida. Continúa ministrándome a mí ya todos los que me rodean, para que podamos ministrar y amar a los demás.

Te agradezco, en tu santo nombre oro.


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Our Daily Prayer for Tuesday - Millie McFarland

"Pero el que mira en la ley perfecta, la ley de la libertad, y persevera, y no oye y olvida, sino hacedor que actúa, será bienaventurado en su obra".

Santiago 1:25 Español

Escritura y oración enviadas por: Millie McFarland

Padre Celestial, vengo a tu presencia con un corazón de agradecimiento y alabanza. Les agradezco las libertades de las que disfruto a diario. Fue a través de Tu Hijo Jesucristo que obtuvimos nuestra libertad y salvación.

Padre, oro para que todos los que has liberado caminen en su libertad y sean hacedores de Tu palabra, no solo oyentes. Dejemos que cada uno dé un ejemplo de quiénes somos en ti. Oro para que todos se animen y motiven a difundir Tus buenas nuevas para que podamos cosechar más almas para Ti. Oro para que atraigas a cada persona con tu Espíritu Santo y que confiesen a Jesús como su Señor y Salvador.

Te agradezco por inclinarme tu oído y escuchar mi oración. Levanto tu santo nombre en lo alto. En el poderoso nombre de Jesús oro.


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Our Daily Prayer for Friday - Rev. George F. Nixon Bilingual Spanish/English

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead; 4 to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, 5 who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.”

1 Peter 1:3-5 NKJV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Rev. George F. Nixon


Heavenly Father, you are good and your mercies endureth forever. We will praise you in the good times and the bad times. We will lift up your name above every circumstances that we may face; because it is in you that we find hope and peace in these uncertain days of trial and testing that we are living. I pray today Lord, that you will strengthen our spirits and under girth us with your peace.

Let us not lose hope O God; as we navigate life in the midst of death, sickness and diseases; but we will hold on to your unchanging hands; determined in our faith to see the miracles of God in our lives.

Lord, I pray that you will bring peace to every family that may be in crisis today. Let them feel your love as they go through their valley moment. Extend your hand of mercy O God and heal the broken places. If there is every a time that we need you; it is now.

For your word tells us in Isaiah 40:31 “But those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”

Lord, you became the sacrificial Lamb, crucified on a cross; but on the third day you rose with all power giving us access to all Heavenly blessings.

Lord, cover us with your grace and mercy; in Jesus name I pray.


“Bendito sea el Dios y Padre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, que según su abundante misericordia nos ha engendrado de nuevo para una esperanza viva mediante la resurrección de Jesucristo de entre los muertos; 4 a una herencia incorruptible, sin mancha y que no se desvanece, reservada en los cielos para vosotros, 5 que sois guardados por el poder de Dios mediante la fe para la salvación, lista para ser revelada en los últimos tiempos ”.

1 Pedro 1: 3-5 NKJV

Escritura y oración enviadas por: Rev. George F. Nixon


Padre Celestial, eres bueno y tu misericordia perdura para siempre. Te alabaremos en las buenas y en las malas. Elevaremos su nombre por encima de todas las circunstancias que podamos enfrentar; porque es en ti que encontramos esperanza y paz en estos días inciertos de prueba y prueba que estamos viviendo. Te ruego hoy, Señor, que fortalezcas nuestros espíritus y nos ceñidas con tu paz.

No perdamos la esperanza, oh Dios; mientras navegamos por la vida en medio de la muerte, la enfermedad y las dolencias; pero nos aferraremos a tus manos inmutables; determinados en nuestra fe a ver los milagros de Dios en nuestras vidas.

Señor, oro para que traigas paz a todas las familias que puedan estar en crisis hoy. Déjalos sentir tu amor mientras atraviesan su momento valle. Extiende tu mano misericordiosa, oh Dios, y sana los lugares quebrantados. Si alguna vez te necesitamos; Esto es ahora.

Porque tu palabra nos dice en Isaías 40:31 "Pero los que esperan en el Señor renovarán sus fuerzas, levantarán alas como las águilas, correrán y no se cansarán, caminarán y no se fatigarán".

Señor, te convertiste en el Cordero del sacrificio, crucificado en una cruz; pero al tercer día te levantaste con todo el poder dándonos acceso a todas las bendiciones celestiales.

Señor, cúbrenos con tu gracia y misericordia; en el nombre de Jesús oro.


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Our Daily Prayer for Friday - Millie McFarland

“have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33 ESV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Millie McFarland

Theme: "Be Encouraged, He is Our Prince of Peace & The King of Glory"

Holy and Righteous Father, I come to you in the mighty name of Jesus, giving you all the glory and praise. I thank you for who you are and all you do. You are my Prince of Peace, my Everlasting Father and the Holy King of Glory; mighty in battle.

Father, there are so many people going through so many different things right now. I pray that you be the lifter of their head. I pray that you give each your perfect peace as they go through their trials and tribulations. Reveal yourself to them, save and deliver them from their pit of destruction. Give them the blessed assurance that they are more than conquerors through you, because you have overcome this world. You are the King of Glory and we are victorious in you.

Father, I pray you encourage each person reading this and reassure them that there is hope and peace in you. You are our refuge and our strength; we find safety in you. Hide us under the cleft of your rock and protect us from the wiles of the enemy. Father, envelop each with your precious love and reassure them you will never leave or forsake them. It is only in you that we have eternal life.

Father, I thank you for seeing through me and seeing my hearts desire. I turn this prayer over to you and I lay it at your feet. Thank you for hearing my hearts cry. Thank you for being my Prince of Peace and the King of Glory. In the precious name of Jesus I pray.


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Our Daily Prayer for Monday - Danielle Criscuolo

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, So you must love one another."

John 13:34 NIV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Danielle Criscuolo

Theme: "Love One Another"

Father God, we pray today that you would help us to "love one another." Give us a heart like you , Lord, I pray that we would have a servants' heart. That our "love for each other" would be so great; that we would pray for our neighbor, more than we pray for ourselves.

Humble us oh Lord. Help us to be a blessing to those around us. Search our hearts oh Lord, and anything that does not come in alignment with your word, let it be removed. Fill our heart with "love" and joy for one another. Lord we pray that our "love for one another" would be so great; that we would rejoice more for the blessings of our neighbor, than for our own blessings.

Lord, we worship you, thank you for touching our lives and hearts. Thank you for saving us. For "loving" us when we didn't "love" ourselves. We Praise your Holy name. In your Son Jesus name.


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