Our Daily Prayer for Monday - Danielle Criscuolo

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, So you must love one another.
— John 13:34 NIV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Danielle Criscuolo

Theme: "Love One Another"

Father God, we pray today that you would help us to "love one another." Give us a heart like you , Lord, I pray that we would have a servants' heart. That our "love for each other" would be so great; that we would pray for our neighbor, more than we pray for ourselves.

Humble us oh Lord. Help us to be a blessing to those around us. Search our hearts oh Lord, and anything that does not come in alignment with your word, let it be removed. Fill our heart with "love" and joy for one another. Lord we pray that our "love for one another" would be so great; that we would rejoice more for the blessings of our neighbor, than for our own blessings. 

Lord, we worship you, thank you for touching our lives and hearts. Thank you for saving us. For "loving" us when we didn't "love" ourselves. We Praise your Holy name. In your Son Jesus name.
