Posts tagged Gospel
Our Daily Prayer for Monday - Brian Walton

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”

Galatians 5:1 NIV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Brian Walton

Lord God in heaven, we praise your Holy name. We thank you Father for your faithfulness, your kindness, and your love. We praise you Father, for the sacrifice of your Son Jesus Christ for our lives.

Lord, you knew that we would never be able to reconcile with you and yet you desired our hearts so much that you set into motion from the beginning of time the ultimate redemption that brought to fruition the death and resurrection of Jesus as Lord of all. In this truth, Lord God there is freedom. We are no longer a slave to the sin of the world but have freedom in Christ!

Lord God, I pray that as we begin this day that you would be with us. Lord God, we want to begin our day to your leading. We thank you in advance for the freedom that is found in your presence.

Lord God, we ask that your peace be before us as we come and go throughout the day. I pray that you would show us the places where we can share your peace with others. I pray that you would guide us away from temptation and keep our minds free from the corruption of this world. We long to walk in the freedom that you give!

Lord God, we live in a world where injustice is present everywhere, freedoms are rapidly being removed and persecution of believers is on the rise. I come to You Father, to lay before you all the men and women who have had their freedoms removed, each one is precious in your sight, for each one is a blood-bought child of yours.

Lord God, we know that only when Jesus returns will true justice be restored and true freedom be established. Keep each one of us under the protection of your wing, and may all who trust in Christ find their rest in Him, knowing that He is able and willing to support in time of need and to help in time of trouble. In Jesus name I pray.


“Es para la libertad que Cristo nos ha hecho libres. Estad firmes, pues, y no os dejéis cargar de nuevo por el yugo de la esclavitud”.

Gálatas 5:1 NVI

Escritura y Oración Enviado por: Brian Walton

Señor Dios en el cielo, alabamos tu Santo nombre. Te damos gracias Padre por tu fidelidad, tu bondad y tu amor. Te alabamos Padre, por el sacrificio de tu Hijo Jesucristo por nuestras vidas.

Señor, sabías que nunca podríamos reconciliarnos contigo y, sin embargo, deseaste tanto nuestros corazones que pusiste en movimiento desde el principio de los tiempos la redención final que llevó a buen término la muerte y resurrección de Jesús como Señor de todos. En esta verdad, Señor Dios, hay libertad. ¡Ya no somos esclavos del pecado del mundo, sino que tenemos libertad en Cristo!

Señor Dios, oro para que al comenzar este día estés con nosotros. Señor Dios, queremos comenzar nuestro día bajo tu dirección. Os agradecemos de antemano la libertad que se encuentra en vuestra presencia.

Señor Dios, te pedimos que tu paz esté delante de nosotros mientras vamos y venimos a lo largo del día. Oro para que nos muestres los lugares donde podemos compartir tu paz con los demás. Oro para que nos alejes de la tentación y mantengas nuestras mentes libres de la corrupción de este mundo. ¡Anhelamos caminar en la libertad que das!

Señor Dios, vivimos en un mundo donde la injusticia está presente en todas partes, las libertades están siendo eliminadas rápidamente y la persecución de los creyentes va en aumento. Vengo a Ti Padre, para poner ante Ti a todos los hombres y mujeres a quienes les han quitado sus libertades, cada uno es precioso a tus ojos, porque cada uno es un hijo tuyo comprado con sangre.

Señor Dios, sabemos que solo cuando Jesús regrese se restaurará la verdadera justicia y se establecerá la verdadera libertad. Guárdanos a cada uno de nosotros bajo la protección de tu ala, y que todos los que confían en Cristo encuentren su descanso en Él, sabiendo que Él es capaz y está dispuesto a ayudar en el momento de la necesidad y en el de la angustia. En el nombre de Jesús oro.


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Our Daily Prayer for Tuesday - Natalie Ortiz

“Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”

Deuteronomy 31:6

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Natalie Ortiz

Father God Almighty, I surrender to you today. I pick up my cross and I surrender to your will. I give you praise for your goodness and for who you are, for your deliverance for setting me free.

Thank you for your reassuring Promise that in Deuteronomy 31:6, "you will never leave us nor forsake us". No matter what we're going through today in these times of uncertainty we can trust that we are not alone. What I do know is that there's no mountain too high or no valley too low for you.

Lord, you have been so kind and gracious to us; we pray you may continue to lead us through journeys that we face that try to blind us from your truth.

Father, I pray you may touch the heart and mind of the person who feels anxious, depressed, worried, or are having financial issues. Father, you are our way maker, our light in the darkness, our promise keeper. We give U all the praise and all the glory for seeing us through.

Father, I pray for the sick; the person battling to feel better. We cast our cares on you Lord Jesus, we know you to be the Doctor, OUR Healer! Lord, we pour out our hearts to you; we seek your precious face and cry out to you for your divine healing Father.

Holy Spirit, thank you for your continued guidance. We pray you may continue to help us to be still to your voice.

Lord, we pray you may continue to bless us with your precious love that gives us divine peace, joy and strength.

Lord, I pray you may touch the unbelievers heart I pray they would believe in the gospel and have a spiritual awakening. Lord, touch their heart and mind.

Thank you for all you do Father,

In Jesus mighty name.


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Our Daily Prayer for Monday - Rev. Robin S. Andrews Watrous

The Father’s Will

“Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be they name.

Your kingdom come. Your will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.”

Matthew 6: 9,10

“Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed.

“My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I

Will, but as you will.”

Matthew 26: 39

“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this, but be transformed

by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what

God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

Romans 12: 2

Scripture and Prayer for Submitted by:  Rev. Robin S. Andrews Watrous

Heavenly Father, we come to You with open hearts seeking Your precious face; looking to You for Your will, wisdom, direction, and guidance in our lives as we begin to return and reconnect with families, friends, neighbors, place of work, communities, and most of all reconnecting with the body of Christ.

Lord may “Your will be done,” may we surrender our own wills to You, as Jesus surrender His will in complete obedience to You, “Yet not as I will, but as You will.”

Lord, it is so easy to go back to our lives as we knew it, get caught in all the busyness with activities, events and work. Instead let our hearts, eyes and ears be open to those who are lost, hurting and who have suffered great lost in these time of trails and storms we are still facing.

May we keep our focus on You and Your will; so we may continue to walk in your perfect will, sharing the message of the Gospel with those You place in our path, being a beacon of light, hope and peace. In Jesus name. Amen

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Our Daily Prayer for Monday -

“No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me,
declares the Lord.”

Isaiah 54:17

Submitted by: Jerquatta Jackson

Father, in the name of Jesus, Lord I pray that you will send a fresh wind. I pray that you heal our nation; I pray for peace and I pray Philippians 4:19 that, "you will supply all of our needs according to your riches in glory". Lord make a way out of no way; help us to have a clear vision of your glory.

Father we praise you; Matthew 19:26 says, "with God all things are possible". Lord, you came to heal our hearts and set us free! Father, pour your love and kindness into us; give us compassion. Heavenly Father, please open up our spiritual eyes, that we may see your power. Lord, according to your word; we know no harm will touch us; for you are with us.

Father, prepare our hearts to have a relationship with you. Lord, help us to sit at your feet and soak in your presence daily. Soak us in your Love.Father, you are the everlasting God, Creator, Savior and Comforter; comfort us in due time. Your plans and purpose prevails; Lord, we say yes to your will and yes to your ways. Father, please give us the wisdom and strength that comes from you. Father, we give you all the glory and the honor, in Jesus name. Amen 

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