Posts tagged God almighty
Our Daily Prayer for Saturday - Minister Alexander LaLuz

"Hear, children, fatherly instruction; pay attention to gain understanding. I'll teach you well. Don't abandon my instruction."

Proverbs 4:1-2

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Minister Alexander LaLuz

Lord God, I thank you for my dad and all he taught me. My dad did his best to teach me and my siblings as we grew up, and even into adulthood he was there to guide us in the right direction.

Lord God, I see my dad's example in me. As I raise my children and I speak to them I think to myself, I sound so much like my dad. Lord, I am grateful that may dad raised me in the gospel and that he kept me close. I truly believe if it was otherwise I would not be the man I am today. It is my prayer that I can be the father to my children that he is to me.

Lord, I ask that you cover and protect my father, my mother, and my entire family. Help me be a man of standard. In Jesus' name.


Oíd, hijos, instrucción paternal; prestad atención para adquirir comprensión. Yo os enseñaré bien. No abandonéis mi instrucción".

Proverbios 4:1-2

Escritura y Oración Presentado por: Ministro Alexander LaLuz

Señor Dios, te agradezco por mi papá y todo lo que me enseñó. Mi papá hizo todo lo posible para enseñarnos a mí y a mis hermanos a medida que crecíamos, e incluso en la edad adulta estuvo allí para guiarnos en la dirección correcta.

Señor Dios, veo el ejemplo de mi papá en mí. Mientras crío a mis hijos y les hablo, pienso para mis adentros, me parezco mucho a mi papá. Señor, estoy agradecido de que mi papá me crió en el evangelio y me mantuvo cerca. Realmente creo que si fuera de otra manera no sería el hombre que soy hoy. Es mi oración que yo pueda ser el padre para mis hijos que él es para mí.

Señor, te pido que cubras y protejas a mi padre, a mi madre ya toda mi familia. Ayúdame a ser un hombre de estándar. En el nombre de Jesus.


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Our Daily Prayer for Sunday - Millie McFarland

“Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name;
    make known among the nations what he has done,
    and proclaim that his name is exalted.”

Isaiah 12:4

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Millie McFarland

Gracious Father, I give you all the glory and praise. Father, I exalt Your name on High; for great is your name and greatly to be praised.

Father, I have purposed in my heart, to come before you with a heart of thanksgiving and praise. I thank you for your grace and mercy. I thank you for your blessings and provision. I thank you for being who you are; God Almighty.

Father, I so appreciate you taking care of me, my family and all of my loved ones. Father, I lift each of them to you; meet them at the point of their need. Guide and direct their steps; as they draw closer to you.

Father, keep our mind and heart stayed on you. Give us a heart of worship and remind us that it is all about you. Keep us steadfast and unmovable; firmly planted on the rock of our salvation.

Father, there is none like you; Your love is ever faithful. I bow before you and I thank you for who you are. I thank you for hearing my hearts cry and worship to you. In Jesus precious name I pray. 


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Our Daily Prayer for Tuesday - Natalie Ortiz

“Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”

Deuteronomy 31:6

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Natalie Ortiz

Father God Almighty, I surrender to you today. I pick up my cross and I surrender to your will. I give you praise for your goodness and for who you are, for your deliverance for setting me free.

Thank you for your reassuring Promise that in Deuteronomy 31:6, "you will never leave us nor forsake us". No matter what we're going through today in these times of uncertainty we can trust that we are not alone. What I do know is that there's no mountain too high or no valley too low for you.

Lord, you have been so kind and gracious to us; we pray you may continue to lead us through journeys that we face that try to blind us from your truth.

Father, I pray you may touch the heart and mind of the person who feels anxious, depressed, worried, or are having financial issues. Father, you are our way maker, our light in the darkness, our promise keeper. We give U all the praise and all the glory for seeing us through.

Father, I pray for the sick; the person battling to feel better. We cast our cares on you Lord Jesus, we know you to be the Doctor, OUR Healer! Lord, we pour out our hearts to you; we seek your precious face and cry out to you for your divine healing Father.

Holy Spirit, thank you for your continued guidance. We pray you may continue to help us to be still to your voice.

Lord, we pray you may continue to bless us with your precious love that gives us divine peace, joy and strength.

Lord, I pray you may touch the unbelievers heart I pray they would believe in the gospel and have a spiritual awakening. Lord, touch their heart and mind.

Thank you for all you do Father,

In Jesus mighty name.


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