Posts tagged Creator
Our Daily Prayer for Good Friday - Timothy Murray-Herger

“But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.”

- Acts, 1 : 8 (KJV)

Theme Renewal and New Hope

Scripture and prayer submitted by Timothy Murray-Herger

Heavenly Father –

In the shadows of life’s trials, I humbly come before You, seeking the gift of renewed hope.

As I stand on the precipice of uncertainty, grant me the grace to perceive the faintest glimmer of light amidst the darkest of days.

Let Your divine presence come to illuminate my path towards a brighter tomorrow. For this beacon of hope, I offer my heartfelt gratitude.

In the labyrinthine journey of life – Please - may your penance guide me toward a renewed sense of purpose.

Reveal to me the path You have ordained for my footsteps.

Let your infinite wisdom and grace endow me with the discernment and unyielding determination to traverse it with unwavering conviction.

May Your purpose intertwine seamlessly with mine, as I walk the path of destiny.

For this divine purpose, I humbly offer my gratitude.

Amidst the clamor and chaos of life’s relentless demands, I seek the renewal of inner peace.

May Your tranquility flow through me like a meandering river, calming the turbulent waters within my soul.

I find solace in Your divine presence, an oasis of serenity in a world that often seems fraught with turmoil.

I acknowledge and thank You for the gift of peace.


“Pero recibiréis poder, cuando haya venido sobre vosotros el Espíritu Santo, y me seréis testigos en Jerusalén, en toda Judea, en Samaria, y hasta lo último de la tierra”.

- Hechos, 1 : 8 (RV)

Tema Renovación y Nueva Esperanza

Escritura y oración presentada por Timothy Murray-Herger

Padre celestial -

En las sombras de las pruebas de la vida, vengo humildemente ante Ti, buscando el don de una esperanza renovada.

Mientras estoy al borde del precipicio de la incertidumbre, concédeme la gracia de percibir el más tenue rayo de luz en medio de los días más oscuros.

Deja que Tu divina presencia venga a iluminar mi camino hacia un mañana más brillante. Por este rayo de esperanza, ofrezco mi más sincero agradecimiento.

En el laberíntico viaje de la vida – Por favor – que tu penitencia me guíe hacia un renovado sentido de propósito.

Revélame el camino que has ordenado para mis pasos.

Que tu infinita sabiduría y gracia me otorguen el discernimiento y la determinación inquebrantable para atravesarlo con convicción inquebrantable.

Que Tu propósito se entrelace perfectamente con el mío, mientras camino por el camino del destino.

Por este propósito divino, humildemente ofrezco mi gratitud.

En medio del clamor y el caos de las incesantes exigencias de la vida, busco la renovación de la paz interior.

Que Tu tranquilidad fluya a través de mí como un río serpenteante, calmando las aguas turbulentas dentro de mi alma.

Encuentro consuelo en Tu presencia divina, un oasis de serenidad en un mundo que a menudo parece lleno de confusión.

Te reconozco y te agradezco por el don de la paz.


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Our Daily Prayer for Monday -

“No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me,
declares the Lord.”

Isaiah 54:17

Submitted by: Jerquatta Jackson

Father, in the name of Jesus, Lord I pray that you will send a fresh wind. I pray that you heal our nation; I pray for peace and I pray Philippians 4:19 that, "you will supply all of our needs according to your riches in glory". Lord make a way out of no way; help us to have a clear vision of your glory.

Father we praise you; Matthew 19:26 says, "with God all things are possible". Lord, you came to heal our hearts and set us free! Father, pour your love and kindness into us; give us compassion. Heavenly Father, please open up our spiritual eyes, that we may see your power. Lord, according to your word; we know no harm will touch us; for you are with us.

Father, prepare our hearts to have a relationship with you. Lord, help us to sit at your feet and soak in your presence daily. Soak us in your Love.Father, you are the everlasting God, Creator, Savior and Comforter; comfort us in due time. Your plans and purpose prevails; Lord, we say yes to your will and yes to your ways. Father, please give us the wisdom and strength that comes from you. Father, we give you all the glory and the honor, in Jesus name. Amen 

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