Our Daily Prayer for Wednesday - Joyce Vickers

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
— John 14:27

Submitted by: Joyce Vickers

Our God who is above all things. Without You Lord we are nothing. You are our Savior, our Redeemer, our Healer, our Deliverer. We exalt & magnify you Father.

Father we thank you for all you have done for us. We thank you because it is you who wakes us up every morning. It is You who guides our every footstep. It is You who protects us from dangers seen and unseen.

So many things are happening in these days Father. People are distracted by the circumstances in their lives. It could be illnesses, fear, anxiety and so many other things. So many times Father people are turning to the world for help and peace. Your word says You leave your peace with us. Thank you for your peace Father. Your peace is eternal and the world’s peace is temporal.

So, Father when situations come into our lives, let us not worry or be distracted. Let us not take our focus off you. Remind us Father that the peace of God which passes all understanding, shall keep our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

In the Matchless Name of Jesus we pray
