Posts tagged son
Our Daily Prayer for Monday - Timothy Murray Herger

“My son, keep your father’s command and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.

Bind them always on your heart; fasten them around your neck.

When you walk, they will guide you; when you sleep, they will watch over you; when you are awakened, they will speak to you.”

- Proverbs, 6:20-22

Scripture and prayer submitted by: Timothy Murray Herger

Lord, on this day in which we honor mothers, may we love and cherish the special women who have born us, who have nurtured us, and who have prayed for our well-being. May our hearts overflow with gratitude to you, who formed and knitted each of us in a mother’s womb. We pray you give each mom strength. We ask you to be the daily bread of tired mothers. May each mother find rest in you.


“Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.”

- Proverbs, 31:31

Lord, I lift to You, my mother. I would like to express my gratitude for having her in my life.

Thank You for blessing us with such a remarkable woman, as she is the bedrock of our family and the glue that holds us all together. Lord, thank You for giving her patience, grace, and love even when I haven’t been the best son. Thank You for the wisdom You gave her as she raised me, for I wouldn’t be the man I am today without her love, support, and guidance. I pray that I will be able to create more memories with her that she can treasure and cherish in her heart. May You continue to bless her abundantly and keep her in good health. May You strengthen, guard, and protect my mother.


“Hijo mío, guarda el mandato de tu padre y no abandones la enseñanza de tu madre.

Átalos siempre en tu corazón; atarlos alrededor de su cuello.

Cuando caminéis, ellos os guiarán; cuando duermas, te velarán; cuando despiertes, te hablarán”.

- Proverbios, 6:20-22

Señor, en este día en el que honramos a las madres, que amemos y atesoremos a las mujeres especiales que nos han dado a luz, que nos han nutrido y que han orado por nuestro bienestar. Que nuestros corazones rebosen de gratitud hacia ti, que nos formaste y tejiste a cada uno de nosotros en el vientre de una madre. Oramos para que le des fortaleza a cada mamá. Te pedimos que seas el pan de cada día de las madres cansadas. Que cada madre encuentre descanso en ti.


Hónrala por todo lo que han hecho sus manos, y que sus obras la traigan alabanza a la puerta de la ciudad.

- Proverbios, 31:31

Señor, te levanto, madre mía. Me gustaría expresar mi gratitud por tenerla en mi vida.

Gracias por bendecirnos con una mujer tan notable, ya que ella es la base de nuestra familia y el pegamento que nos mantiene a todos juntos. Señor, gracias por darle paciencia, gracia y amor, incluso cuando no he sido el mejor hijo. Gracias por la sabiduría que le diste cuando me crió, porque no sería el hombre que soy hoy sin su amor, apoyo y guía. Rezo para poder crear más recuerdos con ella que ella pueda atesorar y atesorar en su corazón. Que la sigas bendiciendo abundantemente y manteniéndola en buena salud. Que fortalezcas, guardes y protejas a mi madre.


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Our Daily Prayer for Friday - Mother Cheryl'n Staggers Bilingual

“So he returned home to his father. And while he was still a long distance away, his father saw him coming, and was filled with loving pity and ran and embraced him and kissed him."

Luke 15:20 TLB

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Mother Cheryl'n Staggers

When I think of Father's Day now, I think of God. My natural father was so, by name only. My mother had the roles of being both my mom and dad. She was an awesome woman.

As a young girl in grammar school I would be in my room often talking to God. My mom would ask me, "who I was talking to?" I would say no one. I even had to go see a psychiatrist, but I never explained who I was talking to. Why, I don't know, but I continued to talk to Him. God never forgot or left me me during my silent years with Him. He waited for me and when I cried out to Him for help and forgiveness, He didn't judge me. He embraced me with love, cleaned me up and directed me to the right path, and He is walking with me till this day.

Yes, He is my Abba, my Father God. I give Him all honor, praise and thanksgiving with a grateful heart. I pray today that God will bless every man who is a father or father figure/role model for someone. I pray that He anoints them in His Word, strengthen them during these challenging times and encourage them to press forward demonstrating His love, grace, peace, and compassion.

In Christ Jesus name, Amen

“Así que regresó a casa con su padre. Y mientras aún estaba a una gran distancia, su padre lo vio venir, y se llenó de amorosa lástima y corrió, lo abrazó y lo besó ".

Lucas 15:20 TLB

Escritura y oración enviadas por: Madre Cheryl'n Staggers

Cuando pienso en el Día del Padre ahora, pienso en Dios. Mi padre biológico lo era, solo por su nombre. Mi madre tenía el papel de ser tanto mi madre como mi padre. Ella era una mujer asombrosa.

Cuando era una niña en la escuela primaria, solía estar en mi habitación hablando con Dios. Mi mamá me preguntaba "¿con quién estaba hablando?" Yo diría que nadie. Incluso tuve que ir a ver a un psiquiatra, pero nunca le expliqué con quién estaba hablando. Por qué, no lo sé, pero seguí hablando con él. Dios nunca me olvidó ni me dejó durante mis años de silencio con Él. Él me esperó y cuando le pedí ayuda y perdón, Él no me juzgó. Él me abrazó con amor, me limpió y me dirigió al camino correcto, y Él está caminando conmigo hasta el día de hoy.

Sí, Él es mi Abba, mi Padre Dios. Le doy todo el honor, alabanza y acción de gracias con un corazón agradecido. Oro hoy para que Dios bendiga a todo hombre que sea padre o figura paterna / modelo a seguir para alguien. Oro para que Él los unja en Su Palabra, los fortalezca durante estos tiempos desafiantes y los anime a seguir adelante demostrando Su amor, gracia, paz y compasión.

En el nombre de Cristo Jesús, Amén

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Our Daily Prayer for Tuesday - Millie McFarland

“And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world.”

1 John 4:14 ESV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Millie McFarland

Theme: "Savior"

Eternal Father, I come into your presence thanking you for sending your Son Jesus Christ to be our "Savior". I give you all the glory, honor and praise due your Holy name. I can't thank you enough for saving and keeping me.

Father, as the word says in Luke 1:47 ESV, "And my spirit rejoices in God my Savior," my spirit rejoices in You my "Savior". I have a blessed assurance of eternal life because of the gift you gave of your Son, even though we don't deserve it you still gave it to us. Father I pray that everyone reading this accepts and confess you as their Lord and "Savior" so, they too can partake of eternal life in you. Reveal yourself to each and reassure them that you are there with them and you have everything under control.

Father, I thank you for your grace and mercy that sees me through all that i go through. I thank you for loving me so much that you saved me from the pit of destruction I was in. I love you Merciful "Savior" and I worship you with all that I am. In the matchless name of Jesus I pray.


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