Posts tagged praises
Our Daily Prayer for Saturday -Rev. Millie McFarland

“I will praise you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done”.

Psalm 9:1 NLT

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Rev. Millie McFarland

Heavenly Father, I come into your presence with a heart of thanksgiving and praise. In this new year I have purposed in my heart to have an attitude of gratitude. Father, teach me to offer you a heart of thanksgiving and praise in all of my daily experiences. Teach me to be joyful always, to pray continually, and to give thanks in all my circumstances, in the good and the bad. Father, I accept them as Your will for my life.

Father, I want to live a life pleasing to you. I pray that You keep me grounded and focused on You. I rebuke the plots and schemes of the enemy over my life and my family's lives. I will be careful to give you all the glory, honor and praise. I will

continue to thank you for who You are and all you do. Father, change our hearts and our attitudes into a more gracious and joyful one. Let us be an example of who You are and share Your love with one another.

Father, I thank You for Your love and for Your faithfulness. I lay this prayer at Your feet as an offering of praise. In the mighty name of Jesus I pray.


“Te alabaré, Señor, con todo mi corazón; Contaré todas las cosas maravillosas que has hecho”.

Salmos 9:1 NTV

Escritura y Oración Presentado por: Rev. Millie McFarland

Padre Celestial, vengo a tu presencia con un corazón de acción de gracias y alabanza. En este nuevo año me he propuesto en mi corazón tener una actitud de gratitud. Padre, enséñame a ofrecerte un corazón de acción de gracias y alabanza en todas mis experiencias diarias. Enséñame a estar siempre alegre, a orar continuamente y a dar gracias en todas mis circunstancias, en las buenas y en las malas. Padre, las acepto como tu voluntad para mi vida.

Padre, quiero vivir una vida que te agrade. Oro para que me mantengas conectado a tierra y centrado en ti. Reprendo las tramas y planes del enemigo sobre mi vida y la vida de mi familia. Estaré atento para darte toda la gloria, el honor y la alabanza. voy a

seguir agradeciéndote por lo que eres y todo lo que haces. Padre, cambia nuestros corazones y nuestras actitudes en una más llena de gracia y gozo. Seamos un ejemplo de quién eres Tú y compartamos Tu amor unos con otros.

Padre, te doy gracias por tu amor y por tu fidelidad. Pongo esta oración a Tus pies como una ofrenda de alabanza. En el nombre poderoso de Jesús oro.


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Our Daily Prayer for Saturday - Lakeisha Singleton

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”

2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Lakeisha Singleton

Theme: Our " New Beginnings": God has renewed you


Heavenly Father, we thank and praise you, that you allowed us to live to see a "new" year. You had mercy on us and did not allow our lives to be cut short in 2020. Father, we thank and praise you for another opportunity to do your will. We recognize that in you we have purpose, because you have a plan for our lives.

Lord, we ask for your forgiveness for our sins and shortcomings. Lord, help us to forgive others and show love and compassion to all. Help us Lord, to let go of past hurts and failures so we can walk in "newness". Lord, please "renew" our minds so that our thoughts are pure and holy. We cancel all negative thoughts and symptoms of our past that try to burden us.

Father, you have given us freedom! You have "renewed" us! Our old man has been crucified and we will walk in "newness". You are our deliverer. Hallelujah! You delivered us from the burden of yesterday.

We are thankful because we know that in you we are victorious. We glorify your name in advance for the prosperity that you will bestow upon us in 2021. We decree that we will prosper spiritually, financially, and in our health. In Jesus’ name we pray.


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Our Daily Prayer for Friday - Millie McFarland

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.

Romans 1:16 ESV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Millie McFarland

Theme: "Believe”

Gracious Father, I come humbly into your presence with a heart filled of thanksgiving and praise. I thank you for who you are and all of your promises that are yes and amen. I thank you for the salvation of my soul through your Son Jesus Christ.

Father, I thank you for your grace and mercy upon our lives. I lift up each person that does not know you, and I pray that they seek your face. The word tells us, "if we confess with our mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and believe in our hearts that God raised him from the dead", (Romans 10:9) we will be saved. So I pray that each "believe" and call upon you.

Father, I praise you for loving us so much that you gave us the ultimate gift. I pray that during this Christmas season everyone remembers the true meaning of Christmas is Christ. I pray each "believe" and confess Jesus as Lord and Savior. In the matchless name of Jesus I pray.


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Our Daily Prayer for Monday - Mary Syndor-Lurry

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Mary Syndor-Lurry

Heavenly Father :

We come into your presence to give you Glory, Honor and Praise. Not only to praise you for what you do, but for who you are. You are the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings. Besides You, there is no other.

Thank you Lord for the many blessings that has been poured into our lives. Thank you for still bringing hope in tough times to strengthen us for your purpose. Thank You for Grace and Mercy; and for never leaving us. Thank You Jesus for deliverance and Salvation. Thank You for keeping, loving, shielding us and our families; from all hurt, harm and dangers. Thank You Lord for a roof over our heads and food on our tables.

Forgive us for not thanking You enough for who You are. Lord help us to keep our eyes and hearts focused on You and renew our spirits. For You alone are worthy.

In Jesus' Name


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Our Daily Prayer for Wednesday - Millie McFarland

“My mouth is filled with your praise,
declaring your splendor all day long.”

Psalm 71:8 NIV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Millie McFarland

Holy and Righteous Father, I come into your courts with my heart filled with praise. I exalt your name and I thank you for my new mercies. Great is your faithfulness.

I can sing of your praises all day long, for my heart is full of thanksgiving and praise. I am thankful for all that you do and for who you are. I love and appreciate you more than I can ever express; thank you for never leaving or forsaking me.

As we get ready to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday I pray that people realize we should be thankful everyday not just during this holiday. Open up our hearts and teach us to be grateful everyday. Let us never forget all you have done for us and all that you continue to do for us, even when we don't deserve it.

I thank you for my family, my friends, my church, my ministry partners and all of my loved ones. Continue to bless and keep them from all harm. Thank you for being our God, our friend that sticks closer than a brother and for loving us unconditionally. Thank you for your provision and for the gift of life. I am eternally grateful.

Father, as we gather together I pray everyone remembers to take time to give you the honor and praise due your name. Thank you Father for all you do. I am thankful!!!

In the mighty name of Jesus I pray.


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Our Daily Prayer for Sunday - Millie McFarland

“Lift up your heads, O gates!
And be lifted up, O ancient doors,
that the King of glory may come in.
8 Who is this King of glory?
The Lord, strong and mighty,
the Lord, mighty in battle!
9 Lift up your heads, O gates!
And lift them up, O ancient doors,
that the King of glory may come in.
10 Who is this King of glory?
The Lord of hosts,
he is the King of glory!”

Psalms 24:7-10 ESV

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Millie McFarland

Eternal and Righteous Father, I come into your presence singing and into your courts with praise. I thank you for all that you do and for who you are. Father, you are my glory and the lifter of my head.

Lord, I thank you for always reminding me that I am not alone and that you are always with me. I praise you and I extol your holy name; for your are the lifter of my head and the King of Glory. You are strong and mighty in battle; I do not fear, for you fight all of my battles.

Father, I pray that you reveal yourself to your people and remind them that you are Lord of Lords and the King of Kings. There is none like you. I pray that each put their faith and trust in you. Remind them that you are with them and that you are the Lord of Hosts that protects and fight their battles. No longer do we have to be a slave to fear, for we are your children; your chosen people.

Father, I thank you for being my mighty warrior and my protector. You are my shield and defense; so, I fear no evil. I praise and thank you for hearing my prayer. I lay this prayer at your feet as I worship and adore your holy name. I pray in the matchless name of your Son Jesus Christ.


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