Our Daily Prayer for Wednesday - Millie McFarland

My mouth is filled with your praise,
declaring your splendor all day long.
— Psalm 71:8 NIV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Millie McFarland

Holy and Righteous Father, I come into your courts with my heart filled with praise. I exalt your name and I thank you for my new mercies. Great is your faithfulness.

I can sing of your praises all day long, for my heart is full of thanksgiving and praise. I am thankful for all that you do and for who you are. I love and appreciate you more than I can ever express; thank you for never leaving or forsaking me.

As we get ready to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday I pray that people realize we should be thankful everyday not just during this holiday. Open up our hearts and teach us to be grateful everyday. Let us never forget all you have done for us and all that you continue to do for us, even when we don't deserve it.

I thank you for my family, my friends, my church, my ministry partners and all of my loved ones. Continue to bless and keep them from all harm. Thank you for being our God, our friend that sticks closer than a brother and for loving us unconditionally. Thank you for your provision and for the gift of life. I am eternally grateful.

Father, as we gather together I pray everyone remembers to take time to give you the honor and praise due your name. Thank you Father for all you do. I am thankful!!!

In the mighty name of Jesus I pray.
