Posts tagged fallen
Our Daily Prayer for Thursday - Rick Costa

“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”

Hebrews 4:16 KJV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Rick Costa

"God's Mercy"

Father God, we are so thankful that You willingly gave up Your only Son to to able to restore a relationship with us again. No longer do we come before You trembling in fear but now with boldness as adopted sons and daughters.

It's because of Your great mercy that You have done this for us and we are forever grateful. Help us realize the fullness of Your grace, so that we can better walk as Your ambassadors on the earth. Remind us Lord that You are never too busy to hear from Your children and that You are ready to help us when we call on Your name.

In Jesus' name we pray.


“Acerquémonos, pues, confiadamente al trono de la gracia, para alcanzar misericordia y hallar gracia para el oportuno socorro”.

Hebreos 4:16 RVR1960

Escritura y Oración Enviado por: Rick Costa

"Gracia de Dios"

Padre Dios, estamos muy agradecidos de que voluntariamente entregaste a Tu único Hijo para poder restaurar una relación con nosotros nuevamente. Ya no nos presentamos ante Ti temblando de miedo, sino ahora con audacia como hijos e hijas adoptivos.

Es por tu gran misericordia que has hecho esto por nosotros y estaremos eternamente agradecidos. Ayúdanos a darnos cuenta de la plenitud de Tu gracia, para que podamos caminar mejor como Tus embajadores en la tierra. Recuérdanos Señor que nunca estás demasiado ocupado para escuchar a tus hijos y que estás listo para ayudarnos cuando invocamos tu nombre.

En el nombre de Jesús oramos.


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Our Daily Prayer for Saturday - Maria Melendez

“He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.”

Romans 4:25 NIV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Maria Melendez

"Jesus & His Resurrection"

Father in Heaven, as we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we thank you. Nothing can separate us from the love and the victory achieved by Jesus at the cross. He is our hope and ever present help in times of trouble. We have no need to fear.

Jesus went boldly to the Cross, suffered and died for all mankind. He is seated at your right hand. The Resurrection brings hope to those that are hopeless. What love you have for me and a greater love for all that are your children. You gave your Son for our teaching and edification.

Thank you for fulfilling the promises you gave us in your word. Our debts are paid in full. Christ the Lord is Risen! Glory Hallelujah! He fought the fight. The battle was won. He saved our souls and lives in Glory. We sing praises to His name. And all God’s People Said,


“Él fue entregado a la muerte por nuestros pecados y resucitó para nuestra justificación”.

Romanos 4:25 NVI

Escritura y Oración Enviado por: María Melendez

"Jesús y su resurrección"

Padre Celestial, al celebrar la Resurrección de nuestro Señor y Salvador Jesucristo, te damos gracias. Nada nos podrá separar del amor y de la victoria alcanzada por Jesús en la cruz. Él es nuestra esperanza y nuestra ayuda siempre presente en tiempos de angustia. No tenemos por qué temer.

Jesús fue audazmente a la Cruz, sufrió y murió por toda la humanidad. Él está sentado a tu mano derecha. La Resurrección trae esperanza a los que están desesperanzados. Cuánto amor me tienes y un amor más grande por todos los que son tus hijos. Tú diste a tu Hijo para nuestra enseñanza y edificación.

Gracias por cumplir las promesas que nos diste en tu palabra. Nuestras deudas están pagadas en su totalidad. ¡Cristo el Señor ha Resucitado! ¡Gloria Aleluya! Peleó la pelea. La batalla fue ganada. Salvó nuestras almas y vidas en Gloria. Cantamos alabanzas a Su nombre. Y todo el pueblo de Dios dijo:


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Our Daily Prayer for Thursday - Millie McFarland

“For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given;
and the government shall be upon his shoulder,
and his name shall be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

Isaiah 9:6 ESV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Millie McFarland

Theme: "Counselor"

Eternal and Righteous Father, I give you all the praise and all the glory. I thank you for sending your Son Jesus to be our, Wonderful "Counselor", our Mighty God, our Everlasting Father and our Prince of Peace.

Lord, you are my comfort in my times of trouble. I thank you for your Holy Spirit; for being my "Counselor" and guide. Lord, you have helped me make wise decisions in the midst of my storms. I praise you for you are my shield, buckler and defense.

Father, as we celebrate this Christmas season help us remember that Christ is the reason we celebrate Christmas. Teach us to come to know you for everything you are. You are our Wonderful "Counselor", our Mighty God, our Everlasting Father, our Prince of Peace, our Immanuel, our Alfa and Omega, our Beginning and our End; we are nothing without you.

Father, thank you for the gift of life and for being who you are. I will eternally be grateful. In the mighty name of Jesus I pray.


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Our Daily Prayer for Thursday - Reverend Olivia Roberts - MCS Church of God

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers, and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing, and perfect will”

Romans 12:1, NIV

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Reverend Olivia Roberts MCS Church of God Leadership Development & Women’s Discipleship President

Sovereign Lord, we approach your throne with gratitude and humility, submitting totally to you as Lord of our lives. Father, we thank you for life and the salvation you have given us in and through your son Jesus.

We pray that we would always present our bodies to you as living sacrifices in holy conditions so that our offerings will be acceptable and pleasing to you. Lord, this is our reasonable service to you that we may come and offer ourselves as we strive towards holiness. Our bodies are yours, our mind belongs to you, or hands are yours, and we pledge to use them to bring glory and honor to you. We understand that we are your "workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them" (Ephesians 2:10, NIV).

We will use our skill, creativity, and knowledge to work in your kingdom until you come. Father renew our minds every day and teach us to discern what is your good and perfect will for us. Because of the mercy you have shown to us, we desire to live out our lives in total surrender to your choice and your way. You have granted us free access to your throne room, where we will find grace and mercy in our times of need. And thus, we humble ourselves and come boldly and make our petitions unto you.

Father gives us the strength to make healthy eating choices, for we know that we are taking care of the temple you gave us when we do this. Please help us to be mindful of good self-care and how it brings honor to you. If we are healthy, we can fulfill the unique purpose you have planned for us and will then become that godly influence in the lives of those you love. Help us, Father, to keep our eyes, our hands, our speech, and every part of our bodies focused on your instructions as we model your light, your love, and your mercy among neighbors and friends.

Most Holy Father, where we have fallen short of taking care of this temple, we ask for your forgiveness, and we petition you in Jesus' name to help us to remember that our bodies are the temple where your holy presence resides. Grant us grace, peace, and mercy, in Jesus' precious name.


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