Our Daily Prayer for Friday - Rev. Cynthia Johnson

And then, after your brief suffering, the God of all loving grace, who has called you to share in his eternal glory in Christ, will personally and powerfully restore you and make you stronger than ever. Yes, he will set you firmly in place and build you up
— 1 Peter 5:10 The Passion Translation

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Rev. Cynthia Johnson

Father, we come to you today to praise, magnify and glorify You; for surely You are worthy of our praise. We thank You for loving us; Your love ushers in your grace which is sufficient for the day, and mercy made new each day.

We ask You, in Jesus name to forgive us our sins: You tell us in the Bible that if we come to you confessing our sins You are faithful to forgive us and just to cleanse from unrighteousness for Christ’s sake (1John1:9). So we come to you confessing our sins and thanking you for Your forgiveness. We thank you for your care towards us: You are Healer, Helper, Protector, Provider, Strength and Hope: Thank you, Lord. 

You are All-knowing, so You know our needs before we even encounter them and You have supplied them according to your riches in glory, which does not run low or need to be measured out. So, we come to you Father, asking that you lift this virus that has blanketed the world with death, suffering and fear,  remove it from us; send comfort to the families and people who have lost loved ones in this pandemic.

Give wisdom to all our leaders in their respective places; may a sense of unity grow in the land, for we are all your handiwork. Let the spirit of revival break out in the nation as You heal the land and restore your people. Keep us mindful of and compassionate towards the needs of others. You have made us voices in the wilderness; light in darkness; salt of the earth. You have called us to draw men to You through Christ. You have set us in place, You are building us up even now to perform the acts of the church.  Move amongst us, Lord. Your way and Your will be done!

Thank You, Lord, for hearing this prayer. I believe You heard and Your answer is, “Yea and amen”.  Strengthen our faith and patience and understanding as we look expectantly for Your mighty move or Your gentle touch as You move on our behalf.  I ask these things for Jesus sake and Your glory in Jesus name. Amen.