“But God Said”….. - Rev. Grace Reyes
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Submitted by: Rev. Grace Reyes
Facing a Jericho type situation is daunting at best. A diagnosis, financial problem, a loss of a loved one, are just a few Jericho’s we are forced to face daily. We face conflicts with co-workers and bosses, as well as heavy responsibilities of family, food, shelter and care. We attempt to be a light to those seeking answers from us, looking to us for hope in a dark world.
Four years ago, I was diagnosed with lung cancer, and since that fateful day, I have journeyed close to God discovering the importance of the words “But God Said”. Through that valley of cancer, I learned to trust those important three words. You see I had a choice, I could have given in to despair and started to make funeral arrangements, instead God began to speak into my life through those He sends, as well as in His word.
I went up for prayer in my church and a pastor who was praying for my healing, whispered this message, “The enemy tried to kill you, this last season the enemy tried to take you out, but “God Said” this is a new season where you will live in the inheritance”.
I stood at a crossroads, believe God or not. Faith is a choice. When I chose to obey the will of God and to walk in my healing, I founded a ministry and with the help of devoted women of God, it reaches 46 states in the U.S. and Canada and 54 countries worldwide. This is Blessed Keys Ministries, and it is His ministry, his voice echoing throughout the nations that visit daily and touch over 25 thousand people thus far. This same word of God touches the souls of people I will never personally meet, but that is not important. What is, is that Gods will for souls to be saved is accomplished.
When trials come, I begin reminding myself that I have a choice. It is always the same choice; he tells us in His word that he is a covenant keeping God. I declare these words, “You have healed me Oh God, you have rescued me, I choose Faith over Fear”.
When facing my Jericho tower, I remind myself of the encouraging words from scripture that I have held so dear to my heart in moments of suffering and uncertainty, here they are in case you would like to use them in the future:
Jeremiah 29:11
Isaiah 41:10
2 Timothy 1:7
Proverbs 3:5-6
I then begin to circle my Jericho with praise and worship, and I begin to declare the promises that God has made for my life and I continue to repeat it louder and louder as I go through my valley, “But God Said”