Posts tagged womanhood
Our Daily Prayer for Thursday - A Prayer Warrior

“Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

Give her the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates.”

Proverbs 31: 30-31 ESV


Scripture and prayer submitted by A Prayer Warrior

Gracious Father,

I pray for every woman who has been minimized, feels unheard, overlooked, or devalued.

I pray that You would heal her heart from past and current experiences.

I ask that You would allow every woman to see herself as You see her

and not through the eyes of those who have misplaced her value.

Don't let bitterness, anger, or indifference live in her heart.

Help her to see that her value and purpose are not reliant on the approval of others.

She was approved and given worth on the day of her birth.

I pray for every woman who has lost, her boldness, her fight

or her voice to recurring uphill battles.

Fill her, dear Father, with strength, joy and peace to keep going.

Give her the courage to show up and be the difference maker that You made her to be.

Let her rise up and not shrink back when faced with difficult circumstances.

She will walk by faith and not by sight with Your guidance.

Let her know that organizations have ceilings, but You do not!

There is no salary cap in Your Kingdom.

Let her see that no one has the power to determine her worth, dear Father.

I pray, Father, that You would allow every woman to see that she is worth more than she knows.

I pray that each and every woman knows that she was created by You for a purpose.

Let her know that she is "fearfully and wonderfully made." (Psalm 139:14)

Through Jesus Christ Our Lord,


“Engañoso es el encanto y vana la hermosura, pero la mujer que teme al Señor es digna de alabanza.

Dadle el fruto de sus manos, y alábenla sus obras en las puertas”.

Proverbios 31: 30-31 NVI


Escritura y oración presentada por A Prayer Warrior

Padre bondadoso,

Oro por cada mujer que ha sido minimizada, que se siente ignorada, ignorada o devaluada.

Oro para que sanes su corazón de experiencias pasadas y actuales.

Te pido que permitas que cada mujer se vea como Tú la ves.

y no a través de los ojos de quienes han perdido su valor.

No dejes que la amargura, la ira o la indiferencia vivan en su corazón.

Ayúdela a ver que su valor y propósito no dependen de la aprobación de los demás.

Fue aprobada y valorada el día de su nacimiento.

Rezo por cada mujer que ha perdido, su audacia, su lucha.

o su voz en recurrentes batallas cuesta arriba.

Llénala, querido Padre, de fuerza, alegría y paz para seguir adelante.

Dale el coraje para presentarse y marcar la diferencia que Tú hiciste para que fuera.

Que se levante y no retroceda ante circunstancias difíciles.

Ella caminará por fe y no por vista con Tu guía.

¡Hágale saber que las organizaciones tienen límites, pero usted no!

No hay tope salarial en Tu Reino.

Déjale ver que nadie tiene el poder de determinar su valor, querido padre.

Oro, Padre, para que permitas que cada mujer vea que vale más de lo que cree.

Oro para que todas y cada una de las mujeres sepan que fueron creadas por Ti con un propósito.

Hágale saber que está "hecha de manera maravillosa y maravillosa". (Salmo 139:14)

Través de Jesucristo nuestro Señor,


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Our Daily Prayer for Thursday - A Prayer Warrior

“And so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure,

working at home, kind and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.”

Titus 2:4-5 ESV


Scripture and prayer submitted by a prayer warrior

Good and Gracious God,

Please bless every woman throughout the world.

It is a beautiful gift to be a woman, but it doesn't come without challenges.

Please help all women, dear God, to persevere through these challenges

so that they can become the person that You, God, created them to be.

May all women set this world ablaze with love for You.

In Your Holy Name, I pray,


“Y así, enseñad a las jóvenes a amar a sus maridos y a sus hijos, a ser sobrias, puras,

trabajando en casa, amables y sumisas a sus propios maridos, para que la palabra de Dios no sea vilipendiada”.

Tito 2:4-5 NVI


Escritura y oración presentadas por un guerrero de oración.

Dios bueno y misericordioso,

Por favor bendice a todas las mujeres en todo el mundo.

Ser mujer es un hermoso regalo, pero conlleva desafíos.

Por favor ayuda a todas las mujeres, querido Dios, a perseverar a través de estos desafíos.

para que puedan convertirse en la persona para la que Tú, Dios, los creaste.

Que todas las mujeres enciendan este mundo con amor por Ti.

En Tu Santo Nombre, te lo ruego,


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Our Daily Prayer for Friday - Chemique Jimenez

“But beware lest somehow this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to those who are weak.”

1 Corinthians 8:9 NKJV

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Chemique Jimenez

Chemique's thoughts:

Living in this world as a Christian woman; it seems like there are constant attacks from the devil, on how women need to behave. A lot of times we find ourselves competing with the others standing around us. Sometimes we need to take a step back, and remember God created us as equals; and we should be providing a building block to support our fellow woman in our journey to fulfill our destiny on this earth.

If we strive together rather than against one another; then we can recognize our weakness and we can be someone else's strength, and together experience true liberty.

Today I pray let the women come together in perfect harmony, supporting one another, allowing ourselves total freedom within the strength of God. To allow Him to erase our fears of being our best, but to show us we already are in Him.

Teach us that we need to come together now, more than ever; in order to survive our daily life struggles, by building on one another and laying down a united foundation.

In Jesus Name I Pray.


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