Posts tagged liberty
Our Daily Prayer for Sunday - Pamela Brown

Luke 11:28: "But He said, On the contrary, blessed are those who hear the word of God and follow it."

John 14:14: "If you love Me, you will keep My commandments."

Scripture and prayer submitted by Pamela Brown

Theme Obedience

Every day I seek to open my heart to hear the word of the Lord and know He is leading me to be a better person. I am so grateful for my strong faith and great love for you, my Heavenly Father, who guides me in all that I do. Every day, I carefully listen and pray for Your guidance and Your wisdom to lead me throughout my days. I feel your grace and love as I heed Your commandments, praise You, and serve you with a faithful and devoted heart.

Lucas 11:28: "Pero él dijo: Al contrario, bienaventurados los que oyen la palabra de Dios y la siguen".

Juan 14:14: "Si me amáis, mis mandamientos guardaréis".

Escritura y oración presentada por Pamela Brown

Tema Obediencia

Cada día busco abrir mi corazón para escuchar la palabra del Señor y saber que Él me está guiando a ser una mejor persona. Estoy muy agradecido por mi fe fuerte y mi gran amor por ti, mi Padre Celestial, quien me guía en todo lo que hago. Todos los días, escucho atentamente y oro para que Tu guía y Tu sabiduría me guíen a lo largo de mis días. Siento tu gracia y amor mientras obedezco Tus mandamientos, te alabo y te sirvo con un corazón fiel y devoto.

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Our Daily Prayer for Wednesday - Rev. Maulin Vanderburgh - Bilingual

"I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds."

Psalm 9:1 ESV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Rev. Maulin Vanderburgh

"Gratefulness for Freedom in Him"

Our Eternal Father and God, blessed be your Holy name. I come before your Holy presence with a heart of thanksgiving to honor and praise you for who you are and what you do.

Thank you for the free gift of your Son Jesus Christ who gave His life as the proprietary sacrifice for our sin. Thank you that with this gift comes your peace that surpasses all understanding.

Your Word declares that, "who the son sets free is free indeed." Thank you for the freedom we have in you. Freedom to pray, freedom to read the Bible, freedom to openly declare that Jesus is the Son of the living God and so much more.

May we not take this freedom for granted, but use it to honor and glorify your name. We are mindful of the fact that there are countries where this blessed freedom does not exist. Father I pray for your servants in these countries who can only assemble underground to read and to share your word, where the only Bible they have is portions of scriptures translated on single pages of paper and distributed to them.I thank you for their determination to worship you in spite of adverse circumstances.

Lord I pray that those who do not know you as Lord and Savior will use this freedom of worship to seek you while there is yet time.

I thank you in advance for hearing and answering this prayer in the mighty name of Jesus.


"Daré gracias al Señor con todo mi corazón; contaré todas tus maravillas".

Salmo 9: 1 Español

Escritura y oración enviadas por: Rev. Maulin Vanderburgh

"Agradecimiento por la libertad en él"

Nuestro Padre Eterno y Dios, bendito sea tu Santo Nombre. Vengo ante tu santa presencia con un corazón de acción de gracias para honrarte y alabarte por lo que eres y lo que haces.

Gracias por el regalo gratuito de tu Hijo Jesucristo, quien dio su vida como sacrificio patentado por nuestro pecado. Gracias porque con este regalo llega tu paz que sobrepasa todo entendimiento.

Tu Palabra declara que, "a quien el hijo libera, en verdad es libre". Gracias por la libertad que tenemos en ti. Libertad para orar, libertad para leer la Biblia, libertad para declarar abiertamente que Jesús es el Hijo del Dios viviente y mucho más.

Que no demos por sentada esta libertad, sino que la usemos para honrar y glorificar tu nombre. Somos conscientes del hecho de que hay países donde esta bendita libertad no existe. Padre, oro por tus siervos en estos países que solo pueden reunirse bajo tierra para leer y compartir tu palabra, donde la única Biblia que tienen son porciones de las escrituras traducidas en una sola página de papel y distribuidas a ellos. adorarte a pesar de las circunstancias adversas.

Señor, oro para que aquellos que no te conocen como Señor y Salvador usen esta libertad de adoración para buscarte mientras aún hay tiempo.

Les agradezco de antemano por escuchar y responder esta oración en el poderoso nombre de Jesús.


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Our Daily Prayer for Friday - Chemique Jimenez

“But beware lest somehow this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to those who are weak.”

1 Corinthians 8:9 NKJV

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Chemique Jimenez

Chemique's thoughts:

Living in this world as a Christian woman; it seems like there are constant attacks from the devil, on how women need to behave. A lot of times we find ourselves competing with the others standing around us. Sometimes we need to take a step back, and remember God created us as equals; and we should be providing a building block to support our fellow woman in our journey to fulfill our destiny on this earth.

If we strive together rather than against one another; then we can recognize our weakness and we can be someone else's strength, and together experience true liberty.

Today I pray let the women come together in perfect harmony, supporting one another, allowing ourselves total freedom within the strength of God. To allow Him to erase our fears of being our best, but to show us we already are in Him.

Teach us that we need to come together now, more than ever; in order to survive our daily life struggles, by building on one another and laying down a united foundation.

In Jesus Name I Pray.


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