Posts tagged nothing is impossible
Our Daily Praye for Sunday - Alexis Koukos

"In their hearts humans plan their course,

but the Lord establishes their steps."

Proverbs 16:9 NIV

Scripture and prayer submitted by Alexis Koukos

Theme Just Believing

Dear God,

I spend too much of my time trying to determine what I should be doing, where I should be going, and what steps I need to take to get there. This focus on the uncertainty of the future causes me to feel anxious and forget to live in the here and now. Help me to remember that You are the one who is walking with me and guiding me on where I am to go. May my faith remain strong knowing that You made me for greatness and are with me always. May I simply just believe. Amen.

"El hombre traza su rumbo en su corazón,

pero el Señor dirige sus pasos."

Proverbios 16:9 NVI

Escritura y oración enviadas por Alexis Koukos

Tema Solo creer

Querido Dios,

Paso demasiado tiempo tratando de determinar qué debería estar haciendo, adónde debería ir y qué pasos debo dar para llegar allí. Este enfoque en la incertidumbre del futuro me hace sentir ansioso y me hace olvidar vivir en el aquí y ahora. Ayúdame a recordar que Tú eres quien camina conmigo y me guía hacia dónde debo ir. Que mi fe se mantenga fuerte sabiendo que me creaste para la grandeza y que estás conmigo siempre. Que simplemente crea. Amén.

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Our Daily Prayer for Friday - Courtney Ramsdell

"Thus faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes from the word of Christ.”

Romans 10:17 NAB

Scripture and prayer submission from Courtney Ramsdell

Theme Just Believing


Lord, please help every one of our brothers and sisters, sons and daughters of yours, through the Sacrament of Baptism, truly have faith in what is proclaimed, heard or studied in the Scriptures


“Así que la fe viene de lo que se oye, y lo que se oye, de la palabra de Cristo.”

Romanos 10:17 NVI

Lectura y oración de Courtney Ramsdell

Tema Solo creer


Señor, por favor ayuda a cada uno de nuestros hermanos y hermanas, hijos e hijas tuyos, a través del Sacramento del Bautismo, a tener una fe verdadera en lo que se proclama, se oye o se estudia en las Escrituras.


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Our Daily Prayer for Tuesday - A 8 Year Old Prayer Angel

"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours."

Mark 11:24 ESV

Theme Just Believing

Scripture and prayer submitted by an 8 year old Prayer Angel

Dear God,

I know that I have to just believe in You.

My grandma says that You are the only way to be really happy.

She says that You sent Your only son to die for us to get to You in the end.

My daddy is her only son and I know that she loves him a really lot.

I just believe that You won't take him for a long long time.

Thanks, because that would make Grandma and me too sad.

Thank You for loving us!


Por eso os digo que todo lo que pidiereis en oración, creed que lo recibiréis, y os vendrá."

Marcos 11:24 NVI

Tema Solo Creer

Escritura y oración enviada por un ángel de oración de 8 años

Querido Dios,

Sé que solo tengo que creer en Ti.

Mi abuela dice que Tú eres la única manera de ser realmente feliz.

Dice que enviaste a Tu único hijo a morir por nosotros para llegar a Ti al final.

Mi papá es su único hijo y sé que ella lo ama mucho.

Solo creo que no te lo llevarás por mucho, mucho tiempo.

Gracias, porque eso nos pondría demasiado tristes a mi abuela y a mí.

¡Gracias por amarnos!


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Our Daily Prayer for Thursday - A Prayer Warrior

“I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”

Philippians 4:13 ESV

Scripture and prayer submitted by A Prayer Warrior

Theme Renewal and New Hope

Heavenly Father,

I stand before You with a heart heavy with the burden of not being able to forgive as You forgive.

Teach me the art of forgiveness, as You have forgiven me.

Lord, let forgiveness flow through me like a gentle stream,

cleansing my spirit, and healing my wounded soul.

In forgiving others, I find renewal, and I humbly thank You for this amazingly powerful gift.


“Todo lo puedo en aquel que me fortalece”.

Filipenses 4:13 NVI

Escritura y oración presentada por A Prayer Warrior

Tema Renovación y Nueva Esperanza

Padre celestial,

Estoy ante Ti con el corazón pesado por la carga de no poder perdonar como Tú perdonas.

Enséñame el arte del perdón, como Tú me has perdonado.

Señor, deja que el perdón fluya a través de mí como un suave arroyo,

limpiando mi espíritu y sanando mi alma herida.

Al perdonar a los demás, encuentro renovación y humildemente te agradezco por este regalo increíblemente poderoso.


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Our Daily Prayer for Wednesday - Millie McFarland

 “For with God nothing will be impossible.”

Luke 1:37

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Millie McFarland

Father God, we give you all the praise and honor. You are our Shepard; you guide and take care of us. I thank you for never leaving or forsaking us.

Father, the word teaches us that nothing is impossible for you. So we cast all of our cares, our fears, and our daily struggles on you. We pray that you guide us and teach us to live in your hope and peace. Father, Your love is never ending and you are there for us even when we don't deserve it. Lord, You are so merciful and mighty; we humbly bow down and we lift our petitions to you.

Father, I come to you on behalf of every reader; you know what each of them need, so I pray that you minister to each in a personal way. I pray that you save all those that need saving; I claim them, their families and their home for you. Draw them closer to you so they may know you as their personal Savior. Deliver them from the attacks of the enemy and bring them into the knowledge of your saving grace.

Father, there are many struggling financially, I pray for their finances, open the windows of heaven and give them an abundant blessing; meet their needs. Open doors no man can shut and give them favor.

Father, I also lift any that may be sick, send healing virtues throughout this land and restore them back to health. Jehovah Rapha, You are our Lord and Healer.

Father, we thank you for the Holy Spirit that guides and comforts us. Lord, we thank you for all you do and for who you are. We place our cares at your throne room of grace. In Jesus name we pray.


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