Posts tagged Shepard
Our Daily Prayer for Saturday - Jalynn McCown

“May the God of hope fill you with joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

– Romans 15:13 (NIV)

Theme A Prayer for Strength and Inner Peace

Scripture and prayer submitted by Jalynn McCown

Heavenly Father,

We come before You, thanking You for this day and for Your Holy Presence. We thank You for our many and plentiful blessings and ask that You help us to bless others. Lord, You know the troubles that we may face in our daily lives. We come before You, asking for strength and peace so that we can navigate through this world. We ask that You allow Your Holy Spirit to fill our hearts and that we may be overtaken only by You, Father. We come against any scheme of the enemy because we know that You are all-powerful and Almighty. You stand on the battlefield, and You fight for us. During those times when we feel lost, broken, and don’t know where to go, we ask for Your strength to continue to stand strong and walk in our faith. We also ask for Your peace, in knowing that You are always with us, Lord. You will never leave or forsake us. You are with us wherever we go and for that reason, we have Your strength and peace. We thank You for always listening and for answering our prayers. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

“Que el Dios de la esperanza os llene de gozo y paz al confiar en Él, para que reboséis de esperanza por el poder del Espíritu Santo”.

– Romanos 15:13 (NVI)

Tema Una oración por la fortaleza y la paz interior

Escritura y oración presentada por Jalynn McCown

Padre celestial,

Venimos ante Ti, agradeciéndote por este día y por Tu Santa Presencia. Te damos gracias por nuestras muchas y abundantes bendiciones y te pedimos que nos ayudes a bendecir a otros. Señor, Tú conoces los problemas que podemos enfrentar en nuestra vida diaria. Venimos ante Ti pidiendo fuerza y ​​paz para poder navegar por este mundo. Te pedimos que permitas que Tu Espíritu Santo llene nuestros corazones y que seamos alcanzados sólo por Ti, Padre. Nos oponemos a cualquier plan del enemigo porque sabemos que Tú eres todopoderoso y Todopoderoso. Estás en el campo de batalla y luchas por nosotros. Durante esos momentos en los que nos sentimos perdidos, destrozados y no sabemos a dónde ir, te pedimos Tu fuerza para seguir manteniéndonos firmes y caminando en nuestra fe. También te pedimos tu paz, al saber que estás siempre con nosotros, Señor. Nunca nos dejarás ni nos abandonarás. Tú estás con nosotros dondequiera que vayamos y por eso tenemos Tu fuerza y ​​tu paz. Te damos gracias por escuchar siempre y por responder nuestras oraciones. En el nombre de Jesús oramos. Amén.

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Our Daily Prayer for Saturday - Millie McFarland

“I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys.”

Song of Solomon 2:1 ESV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Millie McFarland

"Jesus, the rose of Sharon"

Heavenly Father, I come into your presence with a heart of thanksgiving and praise. I thank you for Your Son Jesus Christ, who is the rose of Sharon, the lily of the valley's, and the bright and morning star. He is the reason for this beautiful season we celebrate.

Lord, I thank you for the sacrifice You gave for me, for through it I am saved and have life. Lord, I thank you for your guidance and for ordering my footsteps. I pray that I never forget where you brought me from and all you have done for me. You have been faithful and you love me even when I don't deserve it.

Father, as I reflect this week of Your Sons birth, I will be careful to give Him all the honor and glory due His wonderful name. Thank you Jesus, Prince of Peace, Immanuel, King of kings, Lord of Lords, the rose of Sharon, lily of the valley's and the bright and morning star. I love and praise You. In Your name I pray.


"Soy una rosa de Sharon, un lirio de los valles".

Cantar de los Cantares 2: 1 Español

Escritura y oración enviadas por: Millie McFarland

"Jesús, la rosa de Sharon"

Padre Celestial, vengo a tu presencia con un corazón de agradecimiento y alabanza. Te doy gracias por Tu Hijo Jesucristo, que es la rosa de Sarón, el lirio de los valles y la estrella resplandeciente de la mañana. Él es el motivo de esta hermosa temporada que celebramos.

Señor, te doy gracias por el sacrificio que diste por mí, porque a través de él soy salvo y tengo vida. Señor, te agradezco por tu guía y por ordenar mis pasos. Rezo para que nunca olvide de dónde me trajiste y todo lo que has hecho por mí. Has sido fiel y me amas incluso cuando no lo merezco.

Padre, al reflexionar esta semana sobre el nacimiento de Tus Hijos, tendré cuidado de darle todo el honor y la gloria debido a Su maravilloso nombre. Gracias Jesús, Príncipe de Paz, Emmanuel, Rey de reyes, Señor de Señores, la rosa de Sarón, el lirio de los valles y la estrella resplandeciente de la mañana. Te amo y te alabo. En tu nombre oro.


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Our Daily Prayer for Wednesday - Millie McFarland

 “For with God nothing will be impossible.”

Luke 1:37

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Millie McFarland

Father God, we give you all the praise and honor. You are our Shepard; you guide and take care of us. I thank you for never leaving or forsaking us.

Father, the word teaches us that nothing is impossible for you. So we cast all of our cares, our fears, and our daily struggles on you. We pray that you guide us and teach us to live in your hope and peace. Father, Your love is never ending and you are there for us even when we don't deserve it. Lord, You are so merciful and mighty; we humbly bow down and we lift our petitions to you.

Father, I come to you on behalf of every reader; you know what each of them need, so I pray that you minister to each in a personal way. I pray that you save all those that need saving; I claim them, their families and their home for you. Draw them closer to you so they may know you as their personal Savior. Deliver them from the attacks of the enemy and bring them into the knowledge of your saving grace.

Father, there are many struggling financially, I pray for their finances, open the windows of heaven and give them an abundant blessing; meet their needs. Open doors no man can shut and give them favor.

Father, I also lift any that may be sick, send healing virtues throughout this land and restore them back to health. Jehovah Rapha, You are our Lord and Healer.

Father, we thank you for the Holy Spirit that guides and comforts us. Lord, we thank you for all you do and for who you are. We place our cares at your throne room of grace. In Jesus name we pray.


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