Posts tagged breath of life
Our Daily Prayer for Tuesday - Lakeisha Singleton

Scripture: Romans 10:9 “because if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” [New Revised Standard Version]

Theme: Just believing

Scripture and prayer submitted by Lakeisha Singleton

Salvation begins with believing in your heart. To have a relationship with the Lord, it's just believing that Jesus is who he says that he is.

Lord, we pray for those who do not believe that you are the Christ. They are still waiting and many do not know what they are waiting for. We pray that they will hear your word and take heed to your word. We pray that you will fill their hearts with the seeds of your word. We pray that the word will effectuate a change in their lives.

Lord, we also pray that you will continue to have mercy on them and that they feel your gracious love. We thank and praise you for loving us so much that you sacrificed your only begotten son, Jesus Christ, so that we can have liberty to believe in you.

Lord, we, your children, believe that you are the Christ. We know that you are the soon coming King. We believe that you are the Messiah. We believe that you are the Savior that came to redeem his people. Hallelujah!

Lord, we believe that we are in the end times and that people's hearts have waxed cold. We pray Lord that they will turn to you and cry out to you for help. The psalmist said, “I cried out to the Lord for help; I cried out to the Lord to hear me.” We pray Lord that they will believe in your holy scriptures.

Lord, we pray for those who believe in the words of politicians more than they believe in your word. We ask that you open their spiritual ears and eyes and give them a true understanding of who you are. Lord, help them to believe for themselves that you are our holy majestic and omniscient Savior. In your name we pray. Amen.

Escritura: Romanos 10:9 “Porque si confiesas con tu boca que Jesús es el Señor y crees en tu corazón que Dios lo levantó de entre los muertos, serás salvo”. [Nueva Versión Estándar Revisada]

Tema: Solo creer

Escritura y oración enviadas por Lakeisha Singleton

La salvación comienza con creer en tu corazón. Para tener una relación con el Señor, es solo creer que Jesús es quien dice ser.

Señor, oramos por aquellos que no creen que tú eres el Cristo. Todavía están esperando y muchos no saben lo que están esperando. Oramos para que escuchen tu palabra y presten atención a tu palabra. Oramos para que llenes sus corazones con las semillas de tu palabra. Oramos para que la palabra efectúe un cambio en sus vidas.

Señor, también oramos para que continúes teniendo misericordia de ellos y que sientan tu amor misericordioso. Te damos gracias y te alabamos por amarnos tanto que sacrificaste a tu único hijo, Jesucristo, para que podamos tener la libertad de creer en ti.

Señor, nosotros, tus hijos, creemos que tú eres el Cristo. Sabemos que eres el Rey que viene pronto. Creemos que tú eres el Mesías. Creemos que tú eres el Salvador que vino a redimir a su pueblo. ¡Aleluya!

Señor, creemos que estamos en los últimos tiempos y que los corazones de las personas se han enfriado. Oramos Señor para que se vuelvan a ti y clamen por tu ayuda. El salmista dijo: “Clamé al Señor por ayuda; clamé al Señor para que me escuchara”. Oramos Señor para que crean en tus sagradas escrituras.

Señor, oramos por aquellos que creen en las palabras de los políticos más de lo que creen en tu palabra. Te pedimos que abras sus oídos y ojos espirituales y les des un verdadero entendimiento de quién eres. Señor, ayúdalos a creer por sí mismos que tú eres nuestro santo, majestuoso y omnisciente Salvador. En tu nombre oramos. Amén.

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Our Daily Praye for Sunday - Alexis Koukos

"In their hearts humans plan their course,

but the Lord establishes their steps."

Proverbs 16:9 NIV

Scripture and prayer submitted by Alexis Koukos

Theme Just Believing

Dear God,

I spend too much of my time trying to determine what I should be doing, where I should be going, and what steps I need to take to get there. This focus on the uncertainty of the future causes me to feel anxious and forget to live in the here and now. Help me to remember that You are the one who is walking with me and guiding me on where I am to go. May my faith remain strong knowing that You made me for greatness and are with me always. May I simply just believe. Amen.

"El hombre traza su rumbo en su corazón,

pero el Señor dirige sus pasos."

Proverbios 16:9 NVI

Escritura y oración enviadas por Alexis Koukos

Tema Solo creer

Querido Dios,

Paso demasiado tiempo tratando de determinar qué debería estar haciendo, adónde debería ir y qué pasos debo dar para llegar allí. Este enfoque en la incertidumbre del futuro me hace sentir ansioso y me hace olvidar vivir en el aquí y ahora. Ayúdame a recordar que Tú eres quien camina conmigo y me guía hacia dónde debo ir. Que mi fe se mantenga fuerte sabiendo que me creaste para la grandeza y que estás conmigo siempre. Que simplemente crea. Amén.

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Our Daily Prayer for Thursday - Rebecca Hernandez Rivera

“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.

“Mark 1:15

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Rebecca Hernandez Rivera

Theme: Believe

Heavenly Father, I am coming to your throne thanking you for life, your grace, your mercy and your love that are new each day. Thank you for allowing me to bless each person that is reading this.

Lord with this prayer I want you to touch the heart, mind and souls of those who are struggling to believe in you. I stand on the gap for them, lord give them the strength and remove the bandages that cover their eyes to see that without you we are nothing.

Lord I rebuke and bond everything that the enemy is trying to do to your people now in days. I pray that they can understand what your word says that we should repent and whole heartedly believe in the gospel. I ask you lord that you set their feet on solid ground and that nothing or no one will remove them from your will.

I just thank you lord for you are almighty, and all powerful. I ask you that you may bless each and every one of them in JESUS name we pray!


“El tiempo se ha cumplido, y el reino de Dios se ha acercado; arrepentíos, y creed en el evangelio.

“Marcos 1:15

Escritura y Oración Presentado por: Rebecca Hernandez Rivera

Tema: Creer

Padre Celestial, vengo a tu trono agradeciéndote por la vida, tu gracia, tu misericordia y tu amor que son nuevos cada día. Gracias por permitirme bendecir a cada persona que está leyendo esto.

Señor, con esta oración quiero que toques el corazón, la mente y el alma de aquellos que luchan por creer en ti. Me paro en la brecha por ellos, señor dales la fuerza y quítales las vendas que les tapan los ojos para que vean que sin ti no somos nada.

Señor, reprendo y aprieto todo lo que el enemigo está tratando de hacer con tu pueblo ahora en días. Oro para que puedan entender lo que dice tu palabra que debemos arrepentirnos y creer de todo corazón en el evangelio. Te pido señor que pongas sus pies en tierra firme y que nada ni nadie los quite de tu voluntad.

Solo te agradezco señor porque eres todopoderoso y todopoderoso. ¡Te pido que bendigas a todos y cada uno de ellos en el nombre de JESÚS te lo pedimos!


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Our Daily Prayer for Saturday - Millie McFarland

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Philippians 4:13

Scripture & Prayer for Saturday submitted by: Millie McFarland

Eternal Father, God above all; we give you glory and honor. We exalt your name on high for you are worthy to be praised. Father, I thank you for the breath of life; I thank you for your keeping power that gives me strength.

Father, I come to you and ask that you give me courage when fear tries to creep in. Lord I ask that you give me wisdom to know the difference over the foolish and the right decisions, that I need to make concerning my life. Father I ask that you comfort me when I feel alone; give me peace when life seems chaotic and give me strength when I am weak. The word says, "I can do all things thru Christ that strengthens me". I am holding on to Your word.

Father, I turn my life over to you; I cast all my cares and burdens at your feet. I will cling to your strength as I face my day to day life with my faith in you.

Father, You are my strength, You are my hope, You are my peace, You are my God; in you will I trust to guide me through this life. I'm in your hands; mold me and make me into a vessel of honor. I give my self away Lord, so you can use me. Father send me to help the hurting; use me to minister to the lost; shine a light through me so they may see you in me. Help me lead them to your saving grace.

Father I place my life in your hands. I thank you for your strength and I thank you for hearing my prayer. I love you Father, in Jesus Mighty name I pray. Amen

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