Posts tagged holy water
Our Daily Prayer for Wednesday - Carmen R. Cornacchia

“We can rejoice too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.”

Roman 5: 3-5 (NLT)

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Carmen R. Cornacchia

Dear Father,

I come to you humbly with my heart. A heart full of anguish and pain. My thoughts race with worry as the unknown knocks at my door. My mind is restless as I ponder my path. The sweet sound of calm alludes me from a distance. I continue on my journey and come across a crevasse. I stumble into the dark abyss and swirl without direction.

My weary eyes look up and light beams brightly above. God, my Father you are giving me hope. I will not accept defeat in combating my emotions. I will continue to follow the example of the Proverbs 31 virtuous woman. She was a woman of fortitude. “She clothes herself with fortitude, and fortifies her arms with strength (Proverbs 31:17). She lifts others up and is resilient in her walk with God. In making her way, fiery trials will be a constant deviation from her purpose (1 Peter 4:12).

Lord please show her your divine love and affection. Your word will be a lamp to guide her feet and the light will continue to brighten her path. (Psalm 119-105). She will continue to love and serve you even in her suffering. The Holy Spirit will fill her heart with your eternal blessing. In Jesus’ name.

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Our Daily Prayer for Monday - Valerie Rodriguez

“Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”

Romans 5:5 NKJV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Valerie Rodriguez

Theme: "New Beginnings: Hope"

I thank you Lord, that my "hope" is in you. Although this past year has been difficult at times; there are many things I am grateful and thankful for. Just remembering and knowing that You are always in control, and that nothing surprises our Lord, has helped me cope in these troubled times.

Deuteronomy 31:16 NIV.

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you: He will never leave you nor forsake you.

I pray we would share the love and "hope" you have given us. I pray that you give me love and compassion for others that only You can give Lord. I pray for comfort for those who have lost loved ones, financial blessings to those in need, and healing for those who are sick. Lord, I pray that people would come to know Your Son Jesus in a special, personal way and build relationship with you. In this "new" year let us keep our hearts and minds focused on You Lord.


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Our Daily Prayer for Sunday - Millie McFarland

“Oh come, let us worship and bow down;
let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!”

Psalms 95:6 ESV

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Millie McFarland

Holy and Righteous Father, I come into your presence in total worship and adoration. I praise and lift your name on high. It is my desire that we all bow and worship at your feet.

Father, I can't thank you enough for all that you do for me, even when I don't deserve it. You are a good, good Father; that is who you are. You love me unconditionally and you take care of me; I thank you. Father, you know my coming in and my going out; you know me better than I know myself. You preserve my soul and you lift me up when I'm down. I truly can't thank you enough.

It is my desire that all come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. That each receive Him as their Lord and Savior. I pray that they bow down and confess; that He is King of Kings and that He is Lord of Lords. For I know that it is your desire O God that no man should perish.

Father, I thank you one more time and I place this prayer at your feet as I bow and cry Holy, Holy, Holy are you God Almighty. In the mighty name of Jesus I pray.


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Our Daily Prayer for Sunday - Millie McFarland

“And wherever the river goes,[a] every living creature that swarms will live, and there will be very many fish. For this water goes there, that the waters of the sea[b] may become fresh; so everything will live where the river goes.”

Ezekiel 47:9 ESV

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Millie McFarland

Gracious Father, I give you all the honor and praise due your Holy name. I thank you for always being by my side; guiding and leading my footsteps. Thy (Your) word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. (Psalms 119:105 KJV)

Father, I pray that you let the river flow throughout our cities, our states, our country and all around the world. Your water brings life and it refreshes our souls. Your water is living water so let it flow, so that it may revive your people. I pray that it awaken those that are dead in sin and that they may come to know you as their Lord and Savior.

Father, our land needs a revival in you. So I pray that every person reading this prayer may awaken from their slumber and start to walk in the newness of life in you. Father, let it rain among your people. Open the flood gates of heaven and let it rain. Send a refreshing across this dry land and revive those dry bones that we may seek you in spirit and in truth. That is my hearts cry today. Let the river flow!!!

Father, I thank and praise you for refreshing me today. I thank you for hearing my prayer and for your answer in due time. In the mighty name of Jesus.


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Our Daily Prayer for Friday - Millie McFarland

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Romans 15:13 NIV

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Millie McFarland

Heavenly Father, I come to you giving you all the honor, glory and praise. I thank you for waking me up this morning and for starting me on my way. I thank you for my joy, my hope and my peace that are all found in you.

Father, as we start the beginning of this new day I pray that you give each reader the vision to see the best of things to come and the wisdom to make good decisions concerning their lives. I also pray that you give each of them faith to live a life pleasing to you. Father draw them close to you by your Spirit.

Father, I pray that you minister to each of these readers in a personal way. Give them hope, strength and peace that surpasses all understanding. Help each to walk in your light, your truth and your spirit. Help each to turn away from all evil and to seek your face.

Father, reveal your character and goodness to us as we put our trust and hope in you. I thank you for hearing my prayer and I lay it at your feet. In Jesus Mighty name I pray.


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Our Daily Prayer for Friday - Millie McFarland

“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”

Mark 11:24 NIV

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Millie McFarland

Heavenly Father I come into your presence giving you honor and praise. I thank you that you hear our cries and our prayers and you are faithful.

Father, I come into your throne room on behalf of all those that have loss power and those that have been affected by this storm. I pray that you restore their power and that you sustain them through this difficult time. For I know you are more than able to take care of us.

Father, I pray all those that may have suffered damage to their homes in any way. Take care of them; provide shelter and give them hope. Father, send someone to help those in need and give them provisions.

Father, I worship you through the good and the bad; for we know all things work together for good, so this too shall pass. I love you Lord and I thank you for hearing my prayers and my hearts cry. In Jesus name we pray.

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