Our Daily Prayer for Saturday - Millie McFarland

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
— Psalms 34:18 (NIV)

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Millie McFarland

Holy and Eternal Father, I humbly come to your throne of grace to give you all of the glory and praise. Today I prostrate at your feet in reverence of your Holiness. Father, you alone are worthy to be praised.

Father, today I lift up this world that is in disarray over all the injustices and over this Pandemic. Father I know with one breath you can calm the raging sea and command the winds to be still; for you spoke it all into existence. So I know that with one word you can command it all to stop and everything will be at a stand still in reverence to your command. You are Sovereign and God over all.

Lord, remind us to be still and to wait and not get ahead of ourselves. Teach us to wait upon you as you strengthen our hearts. Teach us to be more like you and to be sensitive to your spirit. Father, give us the eyes of your spirit; the heart of compassion to know when you are grieved by what we are doing. Father, forgive our ignorance, our disrespect and our disregard of the knowledge of you. Teach us to be Holy, for you are Holy.

Lord, there are many broken hearted, many afflicted, many isolated, many suffering from anxiety and depression. Father, rise up among them; mend their heart, heal the afflicted, wrap your arms around those isolated, and give hope and peace to those that are being tormented with anxiety and depression. Father, I speak life over each of them; give them each an unspeakable joy and your perfect peace. Remind them that they are not alone; you are right there with them. Lord, whisper in their ear, this too shall pass. Teach us to trust in you Father.

Father, we exalt your Holy name and we thank you for who you are. The word says you never give us more than we can bear, so continue to give us the strength to withstand what comes our way. Father, we thank you for never leaving or forsaking us. We thank you for hearing our prayer. In Jesus name we pray.
