Our Daily Prayer for Friday - Darrell Guiont

By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.
— John 13:35

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Darrell Guiont

Precious Father, Lord God,  we come to you right now; in your precious name giving you thanks and praise. Lord God, after all that you've done for us, and all that you're going to do; I thank you Lord, for bringing us through this pandemic. Lord, I thank you for covering us and our family.

Lord, we thank you for your precious blood; we look to you God, realizing that all things are working for our good. Our hope is still in you Lord God.

Father, we're still looking to you; we cast all our cares upon you Lord, because you care for us. Lord, we just want to take the time to give you praise. Lord, you're worthy of all the praise, all the glory, and all the honor Lord; it still belongs to you.

We thank you Lord God, even as we're going through this pandemic. Lord, create in us a clean heart, and renew a right spirit in us. Lord renew our strength; help us to fall in love with you all over again. 

Lord, guide us and increase our faith; for we walk by faith and not by sight. Lord, even though it looks like his doom and gloom, we know that you're well able to deliver us from what is going on.

I thank you for all the things you've done and all things that you're going to do. We ask you to look at our hearts and cleanse it. Lord, help us to keep our mind stayed on you; because you said you keep us in perfect peace. Lord, help us show love to one another as you have loved us. Lord, let your love show as we go through all that we're going through; so this world can see it's in you that we have our being.  Use us to minister to somebody in this pandemic. Lord, let them see the good works that we have because of you. 

Father we give you glory, we thank you Lord, and we honor you. Father we love you more today than yesterday. In Jesus name I pray.
