Our Daily Prayer for Monday - Lashawnda Coleman

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you ; When you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.
— Isaiah 43:2 ESV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted By: Lashawnda Coleman

Theme: "Encouragement"

Biblical definition of encouragement (KJV)

(Noun) The act of giving courage, or confidence of success; incitement to action or to practice; incentive. We are never to neglect the encouragement of youth and generous deeds.

Dictionary def: (noun) The action of giving someone support, confidence, or hope.


Heavenly Father, I come before you, giving you all the honor, all the glory, and all the praise! Thanking you for giving us Jesus. Thanking you for a new beginning and a new start. Thanking you for waking us up and blessing us with another day in the land of the living. Thanking you for your grace and your mercy; to walk in your righteous path, seeking your Holy Heavenly face. Surrendering my all onto you Lord God; my needs, my wants and my fears.

I come be for you with a repentant heart, asking for forgiveness of my sins. Praying for all those who are going through, Father God. Praying for those who are feeling down. Praying that you may uplift their spirit, Lord Jesus. Praying for all that are feeling defeated and burdened, and for all those whose hearts are heavy. Lord God I also pray for those who feel empty, broken and discouraged. 

Father God, I come before you right now, praying that the good Lord touch their hearts, ease their pain and silence the thoughts of their mind. Let them know, who they are as children of the most High God, for they are destined for greatness. For your word says, "I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13) Our strength comes from You Lord and I pray that you give each strength on this day to stand, for whatever may come against them.

Lord God, not only do I believe in you, I know you will bring us to it, and you will lead us through it. We are created in your likeness and image, Lord God for you created us just to love us and you want what’s best for us. Lord God, you know what we have need of, you know what we are going through. We may go through the fire Father God, but your word says, "that the flame won’t consume us," because you are with us. Father God, as we go through the fire touch the heart of of those who are burdened.

I pray Heavenly Father, may you lift that burden that is weighing them down. Father God give them strength and the right mindset on today to know, that they can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens them. Our strength comes from the Lord, Heavenly Father uplift, and encourage someone today. Let them love as you have commanded us to do.

Father God, let them know that they are not alone, that you are with them. For your word says, "he will never leave you nor for sake you." (Deuteronomy 31:6 NIV) Let them know that you love them and that this too shall pass. For your word says weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. (Psalms 30:5 KJV) I pray Father God, may you pour joy into their hearts. Touch them in a mighty way today.

Lord, I come before you praying that you bless each persons home and bless their families. I pray for  Shalom peace throughout their home. Heavenly Father asking you all these things in Jesus Holy Heavenly name.


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