Our Daily Prayer for Sunday - Millie McFarland

Be strong and take heart,
all you who hope in the Lord.
— Psalm 31:24 NIV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted By: Millie McFarland

Theme: "Be Encouraged, He is your Hope"

Eternal Father, I come into your presence with a heart full of praise. I thank you for the very breath that I breathe. I thank you for waking me up this morning and starting me on my way. I thank you for this new day with the new mercies it brings.

Father, I pray for strength today for all those that are feeling weak and heavy burdened. I pray that you encourage them and give them hope to carry on, even when they feel they can not. Minister to each in that secret place that only you can reach, and restore their faith that has been shattered, because of the turmoils of life. Father, You are Hope for the hopeless and the Comforter for the comfortless. You are the only one that can mend and put back the pieces of their lives that have been destroyed by the enemies schemes.

Father, I turn each person to you that feels unloved and discouraged. I pray that you envelop them with your love and turn their mourning into dancing. Give each person the desire to seek your face and to turn their lives over to you. I pray that they feel your tugging at their heart and that they surrender their will and ways to you. Father, receive them into your bosom and hold them close.

Father, I thank you for inclining your ear to hear my hearts cry. I turn this prayer over to you. In the mighty name of Jesus I pray.


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