Our Daily Prayer for Friday - Rev. Grace Reyes

That you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, 23 and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, 24 and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.
— Ephesians 4:22-24 NKJV

Scripture and prayer submitted by: Rev. Grace Reyes


Definition: an instance of resuming an activity or state after an interruption.

David begins Psalm 103: 1-5 by extolling the Lord with His whole heart and proclaiming the amazing benefits we receive when we are in relationship with Him. He forgives us, He heals us, He redeems us, He crowns us, He satisfies us, and He renews us!

The renewal of the mind involves a transformation of the way a person thinks and lives, which can be achieved through the power of the Holy Spirit as we reflect on God's word. By being transformed in this way, believers can discern what is good, acceptable, and perfect according to God's standards.


Father God, I come before your throne with a contrite heart.  I ask forgiveness if I have not followed the leanings, you have given me and have instead followed the worlds.  I ask that you renew my mind and spirit so that it aligns with yours.  Show us your will for our world, show us that which you will have us do that would be pleasing to you.

Renew in us a fire that will burn bright in the darkest of areas of our hearts, strengthen our resolve to seek you with fervor and humility.  You are a God who is willing to meet us where we are, and I ask you to please meet those seeking you where they are today.  Make the way straight for us and show us your glory.

I ask you to heal broken hearts today, it is in the restoration process we can experience renewal.  The one that waters all the dry areas of our soul.  Breath your holy spirit into us so we can be reminded that you are the Master, and it is only through your power we can exist.  There is nothing that we can accomplish without your help.  Thank you, Lord, for making us new and keeping us in your will, Amen.