Our Daily Prayer for Tuesday - Millie McFarland

And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.
— Hebrews 11:6 ESV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Millie McFarland

Theme: "Faith"

Heavenly Father, I come into your throne room of grace thanking you for this new day. I give you all the praise and all of the glory due your holy name. I thank you for giving me the "faith" to trust and believe in you.

Father, I thank you for hearing and answering my prayers. The bible says in Matthew 21:22 ESV, (And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have "faith") I thank you for this blessed assurance.

Father, I pray that you increase our "faith" as we draw closer to you. Reveal yourself to those that do not know you and reassure them that you are there for them and that you see their struggles. The word also tells us if we have "faith, the size of a mustard seed, you can tell a mountain to be removed and it will be removed. (Matthew 17:20) So I pray that each keep the "faith" and when they face a mountain size struggle they can declare it to be moved and it will be moved in Jesus name.

Father, in "faith" I give all my cares to you and I trust that you will take care of me. I thank you for who you are and all that you do. In the precious name of Jesus I pray.


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