Our Daily Prayer for Monday - Minister Alexander LaLuz

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.
— JOHN 16:33 NIV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Minister Alexander LaLuz

Theme: "Peace"

To the God that sits on the throne; I give all of my praise to you. For You are high and you look low; you hold the world in the palm of your hand. Your word tells us to not let our hearts be troubled for you have over come this world and our "Peace" is in you.

O God, I pray that you calm the troubled hearts of your people and grant "peace" of mind to each that may be suffering any type of anxiety or depression. Give each the strength and clarity of mind to seek your face and to find your perfect "peace" that surpasses all understanding. Reassure each person that this to shall pass and that you are in total control.

O God, teach each to trust in you so when the storms of life hit them like a flood they recognize if they stand your "peace" will sustain them. Remind each that you are there and that you never leave or forsake us. Lord, I thank you for these promises for they are life to me. I stand upon your foundation and upon the rock which is in Christ Jesus; in your everlasting "peace" and hope of a better life in you

O merciful Savior I thank you for being my "peace" during this pandemic and through all my storms. I love and praise you for you alone are worthy to be praised. In the holy name of your Son Jesus I pray.
