From Truly Bad to God's Good - Millie McFarland
“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”
Submitted by: Millie McFarland
As I reflect this morning at the past several months that have gone by; I think about how this pandemic has affected so many lives. Through this experience, although the pandemic itself was bad, because of the fact that everything came to a stand still, we could no longer gather, everyone ordered to wear a mask, people got seriously ill and couldn't receive visitors. But most of all, many lost their lives and that was truly horrific; family members denied a proper funeral and a chance to pay their last respect. Yes this was all truly bad, their is no denying that.
But, I also have seen the good that has come out of it. Through this experience ministries were birth and are flourishing, families have gotten closer, people are actually praying, people have gotten closer to God, people have realized that the church building IS NOT THE CHURCH; WE ARE THE CHURCH!!! People now realize what this world sees as valuable is not at all valuable, because all those things pass away, but God's word does not. God has ministered to so many lives; I have seen people get saved, healed, delivered from the bondage of sin and turn their life completely around.
I know that my personal relationship with God has gotten stronger as each day goes by. He has placed me in ministry that I never thought I would be doing, but I know it was His plan all along as I see His hand moving in my life and in the lives I've come in contact with. I have seen people that were very shy and bashful, step out of their comfort zone; now they are proclaiming the gospel to all that will lend an ear to hear.
God is raising up an army; we are truly in the last days. So I urge you instead of dwelling on all the negative that this pandemic has unleashed, cling to God, draw closer to Him, build your relationship with Him and get plugged in to the many ministries taking place. Join the army that God is building. I know am so grateful to be a part of it; their is strength in unity. "Choose you this day who ye will serve." (Joshua 24:15 KJV)