Our Daily Prayer for Saturday - Millie McFarland

You, Lord, are forgiving and good,
abounding in love to all who call to you.
— Psalm 86:5 NIV

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Millie McFarland

Eternal and Righteous Father, I come into your presence with a heart of thanksgiving. I lift up your Holy name; for you are good and your mercies endures forever. 

Father, I thank you for forgiving me of all my sins and trespasses. You have received me with open arms and you envelop me with you love. Father, I thank you for your Son Jesus Christ who is my advocate with you; I know that I can come boldly into your throne room through Him. 

Father, today I lift up every person struggling with forgiveness. I pray you reveal yourself to them and let them know that they must forgive in order to receive forgiveness from you. Father, show them that un-forgiveness only hurts them and it creates a barrier between you and them. I pray that you forgive each and saturate them with your unconditional love so their heart begins to heal. 

Father, I thank you for opening my eyes and teaching me that walking in my healing begins in my forgiving. I thank you for forgiving me even though I don't deserve it. Father I give you all the honor, glory and praise. In the mighty name of Jesus I pray.
