Posts tagged peope
Our Daily Prayer for Sunday - Rev. Grace Reyes

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”

Mark 10:45 NKJV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Rev. Grace Reyes

Theme: New Beginnings

Heavenly Father, as I come before your holy throne, reverently worshipping your Holiness, as I contemplate the eve of the first full month of this "new" year, I want to thank you for keeping me, my family, my friends, and for your unending love and protection. Thank you for provision, shelter, and the peace in an uncertain and tumultuous world.

I ask Lord, that your word will be forever on my lips to comfort and give council to whomever comes seeking, and that they find in me a heart that is willing to give aid. Let whatever comes forth be a blessing to who is hurting and seeking solace. Place on my lips words that lift up and speak life to each of your children.

Meet the needs of your people, lead all of us to the rock that is higher, help us to find the path to righteousness and healing. Protect us Father as we wait patiently for deliverance and healing. You alone are our refuge and strength, let this truth be branded in our hearts as we seek to be a blessing to one another in these darkest of dark days ahead.

Help me as your servant impart your message of hope. Bring us all together in unity and strength and may we find shelter in each other to tackle the challenges we face.

Believing that all of these petitions are a yes and an Amen, I thank you Lord for all that you are already doing in the unseen places.


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Our Daily Prayer for Monday - Lashawnda & Devon Coleman

“So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace.”

Romans 8:6 (NLT)

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Mother & Son

Lashawnda & Devon Coleman

Abba Father, we come before you on this day giving you all the honor, all the glory and all the praise. For you are Holy and you are worthy to be praised. I thank you Holy Heavenly Father, for this day that you have blessed me with. I thank you Abba Father, for every precious breath you breathe into my body.

Abba Father, I thank you for giving me Jesus; I thank you for the power, the honor and the glory in the name of Jesus. Abba Father, Jesus Christ your one and only begotten Son; whom you sent into this world that through him we can be saved.

For you Lord God, are the breath of life you give me hope, you give me strength and a reason to live; by serving you Lord, with all my heart, mind and strength. You are my rock, my shield, my comforter and my light in the darkness. You are all I need and more so on this day.

Lord God, I pray that we as a nation, as your people; set our minds on things above. Jesus set his mind on the task that God had given him; without allowing his flesh to redirect what God had planned. His mind stayed on the Spirit of God; because of this we are free. But how free are we if we continue to allow ourselves to be controlled by the flesh and not the spirit? We are free; free because of the innocent blood of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

So, I say our minds tend to wander and be all over the place. If we allow the things in our minds that are not of the spirit, It can lead to destruction and death. But setting our mind on the spirit of God, allowing the spirit to have its way; leads to life and peace.

So, I say to all of you begin each day spending time with God; in his word and there he will give you the peace your heart so desires. And in your day with God, so as soon as you awaken to the sunrise He can send a refreshing down within your spirit.

In Jesus Holy Heavenly name I pray.


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