Posts tagged blameless
Our Daily Prayer for Wednesday - Alecia Andrews

"Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in me."

John 14:1 NKJV

‘Theme Just Believing’.

Scripture and prayer submitted by Alecia Andrews

Abba Father, you have always existed. There is no one like you. You set in motion the beginning and know the end, and everything in between.

You say “Let not your heart be troubled.” Oh Father, there are troubles in this world. So much sorrow, so much weeping, so much injustice, and anger. No wonder hearts grow cold and stony, and people turn towards lies and fear.

But the truth of your love makes me weep. And the joy of the Lord is my strength! Your sacrifice through Jesus gives your awesomeness of face; a body marred beyond recognition for them, for us, for me.

You are spirit and your eyes cover the whole earth. You are aware of everything, nothing escapes you sight. God, I believe in you and your holiness. All creation speaks of your presence. Jesus, I believe in you and that one day you will return. Open blind eyes and turn stony hearts to flesh. May we see you reverently and lovingly. You are worthy of all glory, honor and praise.

In your precious name, I pray, Amen.

“No se turbe vuestro corazón; creéis en Dios, creed también en mí.”

Juan 14:1 NVI

‘Tema Simplemente creyendo’.

Escritura y oración enviadas por Alecia Andrews

Abba Padre, siempre has existido. No hay nadie como tú. Tú pones en movimiento el principio y conoces el final, y todo lo que está en el medio.

Dices: “No se turbe vuestro corazón”. Oh Padre, hay problemas en este mundo. Tanto dolor, tanto llanto, tanta injusticia y enojo. No es de extrañar que los corazones se enfríen y se endurezcan, y la gente se vuelva hacia la mentira y el miedo.

Pero la verdad de tu amor me hace llorar. ¡Y el gozo del Señor es mi fuerza! Tu sacrificio a través de Jesús da tu rostro maravilloso; un cuerpo desfigurado más allá del reconocimiento para ellos, para nosotros, para mí.

Eres espíritu y tus ojos cubren toda la tierra. Estás consciente de todo, nada escapa a tu vista. Dios, creo en ti y en tu santidad. Toda la creación habla de tu presencia. Jesús, creo en ti y en que un día volverás. Abre los ojos ciegos y transforma los corazones de piedra en carne. Que podamos verte con reverencia y amor. Eres digno de toda gloria, honor y alabanza.

En tu precioso nombre, te lo pido, Amén.

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Our Daily Prayer for Thursday - Yoleny Colon

He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

Matthew 17:20 NIV

Theme Believing

Scripture and prayer submitted by Yoleny Colon

Lord we ask for those who come across this prayer father and are seeking and needing you for whatever circumstance and or petition are filled with faith. even if it's just as small as a mustard seed like your word says.

Because with that small faith it will grow even bigger knowing that you have everything under control and that we can rest assured that you are for us. We thank you father for allowing us to feel your presence.  We thank you father for everything you do for all of us in your name. We pray amen. 

“Él respondió: “Porque tienes muy poca fe. En verdad os digo, que si tenéis fe tan pequeña como un grano de mostaza, podréis decir a este monte: "Pásate de aquí allá", y se pasará. Nada será imposible para ti."

Mateo 17:20 NVI

Tema Creyendo

Escritura y oración presentada por Yoleny Colon

Señor te pedimos por aquellos que se topan con esta oración padre y te buscan y necesitan para cualquier circunstancia y/o petición que estén llenos de fe. incluso si es tan pequeño como una semilla de mostaza como dice tu palabra.

Porque con esa pequeña fe crecerá aún más sabiendo que tú tienes todo bajo control y que podemos estar seguros de que tú estás para nosotros. Te agradecemos padre por permitirnos sentir tu presencia. Te agradecemos padre por todo lo que haces por todos nosotros en tu nombre. Rogamos amén.

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Our Daily Prayer for Monday - Bishop Kenneth Trawick

“For the eyes of the Lord run to and from throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him”.  

2 Chronicles 16:9a

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Bishop Kenneth Trawick

Heavenly Father, I confess today that sometimes my heart becomes overwhelmed by the cares of this life. Help me to remember the blessings, protection and care you have given me from the past; and to remember that today your eyes are upon me and you are concerned about every aspect of my life.

I put my trust in the God that has never forsaken me and gives me daily grace for the tasks that this day brings. Your love is never failing and whose hand is the safest place to entrust my hope.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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