Our Daily Prayer For Wednesday - Marianna Beard

You will keep in prefect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!
— Isaiah 26:3

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Marianna Beard

Father God, I thank you for loving us with an everlasting love. I will praise you all the days of my life for who you are. I thank you for true peace that only comes from you. I will be still and know that my future is in your hands.  

As many places are reopening today, I know that many are worried and anxious for what is to come. Only You know the impact it will have and so I pray protection over all of us. Where does our help come from? Our help comes from the Lord!    

Father God, you know exactly what everyone is going through, and I am confident that you will meet them where they are at this very moment. Your ears are always open to our prayers. Do not abandon those who search for you, let the windows of heaven open and pour down blessings. 

I rebuke the devil and his schemes against your people. His lies will not penetrate our minds. Let your peace guard our hearts and minds. As things seem to change by the minute Let us keep our thoughts fixed on You! In Jesus name. Amen