Our Daily Prayer for Wednesday - by Millie McFarland

The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him.
— Nahum 1:7

Prayer submitted by Millie McFarland

Eternal & righteous Father you are good and your mercy is everlasting. You are our strong tower and our refuge. We praise you and give you all the Glory.  We casts our cares on you. Today is a brand new day with new mercies and we turn to you. We lean not on our own understanding; we lean on you and trust that you have everything under control. We may not understand why things happen, but we know that you have a purpose and a plan.

We turn to you for your direction and guidance as we place our lives in your hands.  Father minister to each person reading this and meet them at their need. You know the hurts they have been through. Mend their broken hearts and restore their joy. Father heal each that may be suffering from any type of illness for you are Jehovah Rapha our Healer. Send healing virtues right now.

I also pray for all the lost loved ones, bring them home to you. We declare salvation, restoration and deliverance over each that don't know you in a personal way. Father I also pray for every back slider bring them back home to you. The word says you are married to the back slider so they hold your heart. Reconcile them back to the fold. Lord you are faithful and mighty we worship your Holy name. We thank you for all you do and for hearing our prayer. Lord you are good and your mercy endures forever. We send this prayer to your throne room of Grace. In Jesus name we Pray. Amen

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