Our Daily Prayer for Thursday - Danielle Clark Criscuolo

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love.
— John 13:34

Submitted by: Danielle Clark Criscuolo

Father God we thank you for that you loved us so much that you sent your only son Jesus Christ to die for our sins. 

Lord we Pray that today you will teach us to Love one another as you have loved us.   Teach us to put others before ourselves. Lord I Pray as we love one another more that your light will shine through us. That the lost would be saved in your name. 

Father God heal your land. Restore the unity of family. Help us to realize that the things of this world are not more important than your love for us. Father forgive us for being selfish. For putting things before you and your love for us. 

God we realize today more than ever that we need you in our lives. Life without you Father is no life at all. 

We worship you God, We thank you Father. Jesus we lift up your name. Thank you for dying for us.  We thank you for loving us when we didn’t deserve your love. Guide us Father. We thank you. 

We a praise your name Jesus. 


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