Our Daily Prayer for Tuesday - Mother & Daughter Cheryl'n & Stephanie Staggers

Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler,yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest.
— Proverbs 6:6-8 (NIV)

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Mother & Daughter Cheryl'n & Stephanie Staggers

Dear Father God, in the name of Christ Jesus; we thank You for Your steadfast love and grace; for Your ever present Presence in our lives. Thank You Abba, that we are never alone. You are always with us; Your power and protection swirls around us. You sent Your Holy Son, ahead of us to shepherd us to You; and Your Holy Spirit to live within us.

We also take this time to thank you for the example of the ant in Your Word, and for the reminder to put our heads down and get the work done; both spiritually and physically. We are to feed our spirits and store up the oil of our spiritual lanterns. You have let us know Father God, that there will be both seasons of warmth and plenty; and seasons of cold and scarcity, and to plan accordingly.

Thank You for our Godly living examples: our mothers, grandmothers and other forebears; who didn’t need a manager or a taskmaster to keep them on point, or remind them of the value of what needed to be done. Thank You for their guidance and perseverance, to both forge a path for themselves and cultivate a relationship with You. They are our trailblazers, and their pathway allows others to follow. We ask, Father God, that You bless, keep, and bathe them in Your grace.

We also ask for the strength and drive to both follow in their footsteps and lead others to do the same. We ask you to help us Father God, to commit ourselves to the plow in order to work and gather during the seasons of plenty; and to prepare ourselves for the winters to come, so that our earthly and heavenly store houses will be full and ready for what lies ahead.

In Jesus name.


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