Our Daily Prayer for Wednesday - Millie McFarland

Have mercy on me, O God,
according to your unfailing love;
according to your great compassion
blot out my transgressions.
Wash away all my iniquity
and cleanse me from my sin.
— Psalm 51:1-2 (NIV)

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Millie McFarland

Father and Merciful God, I come into your throne of grace in total reverence of you and who you are. I worship and exalt your name on high. You alone are worthy of all the glory, honor and praise.

Father, I pray that you have mercy on us through your unfailing love and great compassion. Father, forgive us of all our sins and transgressions; cleanse us and create in us a right spirit. Teach us Father, to live Holy for You are Holy.

Father, I praise and thank you for your great mercy and your loving kindness. I thank you that your mercies are new everyday and you remain steadfast and unmovable. Father, you hold and strengthen us, when we are weak; I thank you.

Father, redeem my soul and make me a vessel of honor for you. I bow down in humble adoration to you, asking that you have grace and mercy on me; fill my cup that I may want no more of the worldly things. O merciful God, hear my cry and look at my heart with your eyes of mercy. Mold, make and renew me in your image; that everything I do or say be pleasing to you.

Father, I pray that you strip each of us of our freshly and worldly desires. Father, bind us to you; that we may serve you in spirit and in truth. Father, have mercy on each and stretch your hands towards those that are in need of you. Minister to them in your gracious love.

Father, I love and adore you. I thank you for every breath I take and for every move I make; because of you it is possible. Father, You are my Rock and my Strong Tower; you are my strength, so I thank you. Father, thank you for hearing my prayer and for knowing my heart. In Jesus name I pray.


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