Our Daily Prayer for Thursday - Terri Snell

As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about [a]this present result, to preserve many people alive.
— Genesis 50:20 (NASB)

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Terri Snell

Food for thought:

Even in times of trials and tribulation we should give thanks to God. I know that it’s difficult sometimes to thank God when we’re hurting but the Word tells us that what was meant for evil He will use for good.


Father God, thank you for your Son Jesus, the Holy Spirit and grace; that with these things that you have given us we will fear "No" evil. We will prevail against anything that comes to kill, hurt or destroy us; because we are more then conquerors, and greater is He that is within us, than He that is in the world.

I ask that you continue to help, keep and guide us; as we continue to live our lives. Use us to share the Greatness of your Love as you are the same Today, Tomorrow and Forevermore!!

In the name of your Son Jesus Christ we pray.
