Our Daily Prayer for Saturday - Rev. Grace Reyes

But now, thus says the Lord, who created you, O Jacob,

And He who formed you, O Israel:

“Fear not, for I have redeemed you;

I have called you by your name;

You are Mine.
— Isaiah 43:1 NKJV

Scripture and prayer submitted by: Rev. Grace Reyes

Theme: Faith

Father God,

I bow before you and I worship your Holy name. I ask that you bless each person that has come today seeking a blessed reassurance that you are real and that you will answer whatever petitions that they may have on their heart today. I ask that you give them a peace in the knowledge that your word promises them an abundant life and a joyful one. That there is nothing that is too hard for you.

Meet them Lord, at their point of need and protect them and their loved ones from harm. You are Jehovah Jireh, our provider and we walk confident in our faith in you. Please deliver us from the snare of the fowler and the destructive path the enemy would have us walk in.

We praise and worship you alone, we give witness to your wonderful blessings in that we are a redeemed people walking each other home. Amen

“Pero ahora, así dice el Señor, Creador tuyo, oh Jacob,

Y el que te formó, oh Israel:

“No temas, porque yo te he redimido;

te he llamado por tu nombre;

Eres Mía.”

Isaías 43:1 NVI

Escritura y oración enviadas por: Rev. Grace Reyes

Tema: Fe

Dios padre,

Me inclino ante ti y adoro tu Santo nombre. Te pido que bendigas a cada persona que ha venido hoy en busca de la bendita seguridad de que eres real y de que responderás a cualquier petición que tengas en tu corazón hoy. Te pido que les des la paz sabiendo que tu palabra les promete una vida abundante y gozosa. Que no hay nada que sea demasiado difícil para ti.

Encuéntralos Señor, en su punto de necesidad y protégelos a ellos y a sus seres queridos del daño. Eres Jehová Jireh, nuestro proveedor y caminamos confiados en nuestra fe en ti. Por favor, líbranos del lazo del cazador y del camino destructivo en el que el enemigo quiere que caminemos.

Te alabamos y adoramos solo a ti, damos testimonio de tus maravillosas bendiciones en que somos un pueblo redimido caminando unos a otros a casa. Amén