Our Daily Prayer for Saturday - Rev. George F Nixon

And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.
— Psalm 1:3 KJV

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Rev. George F Nixon

Heavenly Father, I give you thanks and praise; for your everlasting mercy and peace in the midst of chaos. I thank you Lord that you have enabled me to flourish in a time that seems to be barren. Lord, I praise you today because you have given me life in a dark place and even when I find myself in the midst of the fire; you were there to protect and shield me from the flames.

Lord, you are good and your mercies endureth forever. I pray Lord, that you will extend your hand of mercy upon this land and heal the broken places. I pray Lord, that men will seek your face in prayer, and look to you for the answer to fix the mounting problems we are facing today.

Lord, we are living in a time of crisis when many are facing hopelessness and difficult situations, but I pray that you will under girth us with your peace and strength; that we may be able to stand and flourish like a tree planted by the river.

I pray Lord, that you will give your people Godly wisdom to discern and to reveal every hidden thing through the eye of the Spirit. These are the days when we need you more than ever; anoint us afresh and equip us for service because we are living in the last days and the harvest is ripe. Lord, I pray that we will be change agents bringing the light of Christ wherever we go so that men will know that there is a God who can heal, restore and put the broken pieces back together again.

Lord, you have never failed us and you will not fail us now. I have seen your miracles in the past in my own life and if we stay rooted and grounded in the word of God; the future is bright and secure no matter what it looks like.

May the peace of God be with you; and may the breath of life, favor, healing and financial prosperity overtake you today. Lord, I pray in the mighty name of Jesus.  
