Our Daily Prayer for Saturday - Mayra Thomas-Cardona

You saw who you created me to be before I became me!
Before I’d ever seen the light of day,
the number of days you planned for me
were already recorded in your book.
Every single moment you are thinking of me!
How precious and wonderful to consider
that you cherish me constantly in your every thought!
O God, your desires toward me are more
than the grains of sand on every shore!
When I awake each morning, you’re still with me.
— Psalm 139:16-18 (TPT)

Submitted by: Mayra Thomas-Cardona

In the name of the Father, the Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit, Lord we come before you, seeking your face.  Thank you for waking us up this morning and for your divine love for us. Forgive us of our sins and our offenses Lord. Thank you because we could do the simple things, we take for granted like getting dressed. We worship and praise your name.  Thank you because you continuously remind us that your love endures forever. Thank you for all your creations.  Thank you because you provided us with a roof over heads; thank you for all your blessings that you have provided us.  When we remember and look back from where you have brought us through, we stand in awe, we thank you.  The thoughts You have of us are more than the grains of the sand, we thank you.  We praise your name and worship you. Your words say in Phil. 4:11 to be content whatever the circumstance.  

 We pray for salvation for the lost, we plead the blood of Jesus, over the sick.  We pray for those that need a financial break through, we pray for those that have lost jobs, open up the doors for opportunities.  We pray blessings over our children that you will give them wisdom and peace over their mind.  We pray for our widows that you Lord will comfort them and wrap your loving arms around them.  We pray for all those all over the world that have lost friends and family to this awful disease Covid-19 for peace in their life or any other disease.  Lord we pray for healthcare workers, put covering Psalms 91 over them and their families.   We can trust in your unfailing love.  

 We come against domestic violence and protect those that are suffering and deliver them from the enemy.  We come against the enemy in the name of Jesus.  We plead the blood of Jesus.  Psalms 91 says you are Our refuge and our fortress, my God; in him will we trust.  There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. You will be them in trouble and will deliver them.  In the name of Jesus.  Lord we pray for protection of our Pastoral families and all those that are bringing us the living word.  We pray that you will bless the church financially in the name of Jesus.  Lord, most importantly we pray for the unborn babies that don't have voice, but Abba Father you will deliver them.  We come against drug addiction or any other addiction that attacks people of different ages in the name of Jesus.  Lord we come against the attack of the enemy upon our young children, teens and college students that you will cover their minds in the name of Jesus.  Thank you, Lord, for your covering and thank you for your enduring love and for rising up from the grave on the 3rd day.

 We praise you Lord and we ask all of this in the mighty name of Jesus, praise be to God. Amen, Amen and Amen.