Our Daily Prayer for Monday - Geraldine Lancey

The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace.
— Psalm 29:11 NIV

Scripture and prayer submitted by: Geraldine Lancey

Theme: Faith

"The Purest Gift of Faith"

Open your heart and your spirit to God's presence and give your life to Him.

Because of His presence, you will be able to move with confidence and peace.

When you feel worn out and tired, trust in His goodness to restore you.

He will lift up and renew you.


"El Señor da fuerzas a su pueblo; el Señor bendice a su pueblo con paz".

Salmos 29:11 NVI

Texto bíblico y oración presentado por: Geraldine Lancey

Tema: Fe

"El don más puro de la fe"

Abre tu corazón y tu espíritu a la presencia de Dios y entrégale tu vida.

Gracias a Su presencia, podrás moverte con confianza y paz.

Cuando te sientas agotado y cansado, confía en Su bondad para restaurarte.

Él te levantará y te renovará.
