Our Daily Prayer for Friday - Millie McFarland

O Israel, hope in the Lord;
For with the Lord there is mercy,
And with Him is abundant redemption.
— Psalm 130:7

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Millie McFarland

Lord, teach us to be still and hear your voice; your voice saying, "I am your your hope".

Fill us with your hope and remind us that your hope is an unbreakable spiritual lifeline. Father, it is your grace, mercy and hope that carries us through when we are in despair. Lord, you have redeemed and saved us from our sins; because of our salvation in you we have a blessed hope. 

Father, today we stand in your presence in need of your guidance; give us the wisdom to make good decisions as a nation. Bless our leaders to see the vision of good things to come in you. Let it be your will and not what we think it should be. God arise and let your enemies be scattered. Let it be you to lead every person making decisions concerning your people. Reassure your people you are with us every step of the way.

Lord Jesus, help us to hold steadfast in prayer and in your word. Teach us to rely on your word and that we may apply it to our lives. Your word is living water and it gives us life. Father, your word gives us hope; teach us to shine the light of Hope for those in need. Lord, let us be an example of Your love and mercy; so, the lost may find you and have that blessed hope.

Father, I pray for comfort and strength for those who are struggling and feel like giving up. Reassure them you are with them; that you never leave or forsake them. Let them feel your love that never fails. Mend the broken hearted and restore to them what the enemy has taken from them. Father, Your hope brings redemption and healing in your wings. Cover each with your blood and surround them with a hedge of protection against the darts of the enemy.

Father, order our steps and keep us focused in you. Lord, don't let us look to the left or to the right; keep our eyes fixed on you. Guide our path and let us see what you want our spiritual eyes to see. Give us discernment and let us be watchful of your kingdom.

Father,  shake off those chains that bind your children. Help us walk in our freedom; freedom from the lies of our enemy. Today we walk worthy in your Hope and we thank you for setting us free from all the bondage of sin. Lord, you have wiped away every tear, and we can see the sun shining. It's a brand new day with a new mercy. We can start all over again; because everything is possible when we place our hope, our faith and our trust in you. Thank you for Your saving grace and Your blessed hope. In Jesus name we Pray. Amen