Our Daily Prayer for Saturday - Millie McFarland

My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever.
— Psalms 73:26 (NIV)

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Millie McFarland

Holy God, I give you all the glory, honor and praise. I thank you for sustaining and keeping me. I exalt you O God; for who you are.

Father, I can't thank you enough for loving me; no matter if I stumble or fall you are there to pick me up. Father, though my flesh and heart may fail; You are my strength and my portion. Your unconditional love covers a multitude of sins; so, I thank you for that love.

Father, I pray for all those who may stumble, fall or get tempted in any way; I pray that you give them strength and lift them up. Minister to them and draw them close to you. Restore their joy and give them your blessed hope. I rebuke the attacks of the enemy; and I pray that you give them back what the devourer has taken from them.

Father, I pray when we are weak that you be our strength. Lord, when we get afraid; You be our courage. Father, I pray you be our comfort when we feel alone, and our hope and peace when storms come our way. Father, be our shelter, strong tower and refuge; when everything in our life seems to be in total chaos.

Father, my hope and trust is in you. I thank you for never leaving or forsaking me. I worship you for who you are. Thank you for inclining your ear to me. Father, I lay this prayer at your feet. In Jesus Mighty name I pray.
