Posts tagged overcomer
Our Daily Prayer for Tuesday - Zayda Casiano

“Blessed are all who fear the Lord,

who walk in obedience to Him,

You will eat the fruit of your labor

Blessing and prosperity will be yours.”

PSALM 128:1-2 NIV

Scripture and prayer submitted by Zayda Casiano

Theme: Obedience


I want nothing more then to live a life in reverence and obedience to you at all times. I want to obey you not for what You do but for who You are, The Great I Am! Our Merciful loving, Wonderful , Father.

I love You Lord!!

Father , we recognize our shortcomings. We ask that You search our hearts and help us to take

our thoughts captive so that in all we do or say , our actions are pleasing before You.

May we always hear the voice of your spirit that leads us in the way we

should go and may we always walk in obedience.

Lord I pray for the lost sheep to find their way back home.

I pray that they embrace your love and forgiveness and choose to walk

in obedience to you so that they may see your full blessings unfold.

Thank You Lord for Your word that speaks to us! Help us to "be doers of the

word and not just listeners as your word speaks in "James 1:22

For blessed are those who hear Your word and obey it . (Luke 11:28)


“Bienaventurados todos los que temen al Señor,

que caminan en obediencia a Él,

Comerás el fruto de tu trabajo.

La bendición y la prosperidad serán vuestras”.

SALMO 128:1-2 NVI

Escritura y oración presentada por Zayda Casiano

Tema: Obediencia


No quiero nada más que vivir una vida en reverencia y obediencia a ti en todo momento. Quiero obedecerte no por lo que haces sino por lo que eres, ¡El Gran Yo Soy! Nuestro Padre Misericordioso, amoroso, Maravilloso.

¡¡Te amo, Señor!!

Padre, reconocemos nuestras deficiencias. Te pedimos que escudriñes nuestros corazones y nos ayudes a tomar

nuestros pensamientos cautivos para que en todo lo que hagamos o digamos, nuestras acciones sean agradables ante Ti.

Que siempre escuchemos la voz de tu espíritu que nos guía en el camino que

debemos ir y que caminemos siempre en obediencia.

Señor, oro por que las ovejas perdidas encuentren el camino de regreso a casa.

Oro para que acepten tu amor y perdón y elijan caminar

en obediencia a ti para que puedan ver desplegarse todas tus bendiciones.

¡Gracias Señor por Tu palabra que nos habla! Ayúdanos a "ser hacedores de la

palabra y no solo oyentes como tu palabra habla en "Santiago 1:22

Porque bienaventurados los que oyen tu palabra y la obedecen. (Lucas 11:28)


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Our Daily Prayer for Monday - 11 year old prayer angel

“Teach me to do your will, for you are my God! Let your good Spirit lead me on level ground.”

Psalm 143:10 ESV

Theme: Obedience

Prayer submitted by 11 year old prayer angel

Dear Father God,

I want to always be an obedient child like Jesus was to Mary and Joseph.

As a grown up, Jesus even listened to You and died from being hung on the cross for us!

If He could obey even through such an awful situation, I should find it easy to listen and obey.

You must look down sometimes and say "why can't she just listen?"

Please help me to listen to You and my parents.

Please send Your Holy Spirit to help me in being obedient.

I do try, but I need Your help, God.


“¡Enséñame a hacer tu voluntad, porque tú eres mi Dios! Deja que tu buen Espíritu me guíe por terreno llano”.

Salmo 143:10 NVI

Tema: Obediencia

Oración enviada por un ángel de oración de 11 años

Querido Padre Dios,

Quiero ser siempre un niño obediente como lo fue Jesús con María y José.

¡Cuando ya era adulto, Jesús incluso te escuchó y murió al ser colgado en la cruz por nosotros!

Si Él pudiera obedecer incluso en una situación tan terrible, a mí me resultaría fácil escuchar y obedecer.

A veces debes mirar hacia abajo y decir "¿por qué no puede simplemente escuchar?"

Por favor ayúdame a escucharte a Ti y a mis padres.

Por favor envía tu Espíritu Santo para ayudarme a ser obediente.

Lo intento, pero necesito Tu ayuda, Dios.


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Our Daily Prayer for Monday - Rev. Millie McFarland

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.”

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 NIV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Rev. Millie McFarland

Holy and Righteous Father, I enter your gates with thanksgiving in my heart and into your courts with praise. I thank you for Your Holy Spirit which is our Comforter, that comforts us in our times of trouble.

Father, Your word tells us that You go before us, You are with us and You never leave us nor forsake us. It encourages me to know that I don't need to be afraid, dismayed or discouraged because You are forever with me. Father, I pray if anyone is struggling with fear, depression, anxiety, isolation or discouragement, that You send Your Holy Spirit to comfort them, reassure them that everything will be alright, and that they can cast there cares upon You.

The Bible says in Matthew 11:28 NIV "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." What a blessed assurance we have in You Father. We give You our worries and burdens and You give us rest.

Father, I thank you for being so good and faithful. I thank you for Your comfort. I pray that I may be of comfort to those who are hurting around me. In the loving name of Jesus I pray.


“Alabado sea el Dios y Padre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Padre de compasión y Dios de todo consuelo, que nos consuela en todas nuestras tribulaciones, para que podamos consolar a los que están en cualquier aflicción con el consuelo que nosotros mismos recibimos de Dios .”

2 Corintios 1:3-4 NVI

Escritura y Oración Presentado por: Rev. Millie McFarland

Padre Santo y Justo, entro por tus puertas con acción de gracias en mi corazón y en tus atrios con alabanza. Te agradezco por Tu Espíritu Santo que es nuestro Consolador, que nos consuela en nuestros momentos de angustia.

Padre, tu palabra nos dice que vas delante de nosotros, estás con nosotros y nunca nos dejas ni nos desamparas. Me anima saber que no necesito tener miedo, consternación o desánimo porque Tú estás para siempre conmigo. Padre, oro si alguien está luchando con miedo, depresión, ansiedad, aislamiento o desánimo, que envíes tu Espíritu Santo para consolarlo, asegurarle que todo estará bien y que puede depositar sus preocupaciones en ti.

La Biblia dice en Mateo 11:28 NVI "Venid a mí todos los que estáis trabajados y cargados, y yo os haré descansar". Que bendita seguridad tenemos en Ti Padre. Te damos nuestras preocupaciones y cargas y Tú nos das descanso.

Padre, te doy gracias por ser tan bueno y fiel. Te agradezco por tu consuelo. Oro para poder ser de consuelo para aquellos que están sufriendo a mi alrededor. En el amoroso nombre de Jesús oro.


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Our Daily Prayer for Thursday - Millie McFarland

“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33 (NKJV)

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Millie McFarland

Eternal & Righteous Father, I come in humbly before your throne of grace. I worship and magnify your Holy name; for you are worthy to be praised.

Father, I pray you give each of us strength and a hope in you as we face our daily challenges. Lord, there are times when things get tough and we feel like giving up. But we cry out to you and ask that you remind us; that you have overcome this world, and nothing is impossible for you.

Father, I pray that your Holy Spirit comforts us when our heart need reassurance. Lord, people fail us, but your love never fails. I ask you to envelop us with your Love; give us Your peace and blessed hope.

Father, order our steps in your word; guide us through these difficult times we are facing. Protect us Lord, and don't let us lose our way. Father, teach us to focus on you and live a life pleasing to your will.

Father, when my heart gets overwhelmed lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Wipe away all of our tears; pick up all of our pieces and take away all of our fears. Lord, we place our lives in your hands and we trust in you.

Lord, thank you for your grace and your blessed hope; that gives us the strength to face each new day. We cast all of our doubts, fears and anxieties at your feet and cling to your faith, hope and peace. Thank you for hearing our prayer. In Jesus Mighty name we pray.


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