Posts tagged guide
Our Daily Prayer for Monday - Millie McFarland

"I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.”

Revelations 22:16 ESV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Millie McFarland

"Jesus, the Morning Star"

Heavenly Father, I come into your presence with a heart full of thanksgiving and praise. I thank you for guiding my footsteps and for being the bright Morning Star that that lights my way.

Father, keep me on the right path that is guided by You, "the Morning Star," so that I never lose my way. I am truly grateful that You are always with me. You never leave or forsake me, so every step I take in faith I know is ordered by You. Thank you for lighting the way. Father I love you and I put all of my hope and trust in you. In the mighty name of Jesus I pray.


"Yo, Jesús, he enviado a mi ángel para darte testimonio de estas cosas para las iglesias. Yo soy la raíz y el descendiente de David, la estrella resplandeciente de la mañana".

Apocalipsis 22:16 Español

Escritura y oración enviadas por: Millie McFarland

"Jesús, la estrella de la mañana"

Padre celestial, vengo a tu presencia con un corazón lleno de agradecimiento y alabanza. Te agradezco por guiar mis pasos y por ser la brillante estrella de la mañana que ilumina mi camino.

Padre, mantenme en el camino correcto guiado por Ti, "la estrella de la mañana", para que nunca pierda mi camino. Estoy realmente agradecido de que siempre estés conmigo. Tú nunca me dejas ni me abandonas, así que cada paso que doy con fe, sé que tú lo ordenas. Gracias por iluminar el camino. Padre, te amo y pongo toda mi esperanza y confianza en ti. En el poderoso nombre de Jesús oro.


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Our Daily Prayer for Thursday - Tomas Reyes Jr.

“In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

1 Thessalonians 5:18 NKJV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Tomas Reyes Jr.

Dear Lord, I thank you profusely for your unending faithfulness and your observed protection of my family and me. You have always answered my prayers and provided encouragement to pray more. As I have attempted to navigate through challenging health issues, not working, the Covid situation, the country’s unparalleled difficulties, and life in general, you have always been a guiding spirit and we are still here! I give thanks and praise your name because I am certain that you will be present and available for all of our prayers to you.

Please guide our lives as we continue to tarry forward with our friends and families and help us to know that we can do all, with He who strengthens us. Help us to be a shining beacon of light in these dark times so we may lead others to you and your Holy Spirit can alleviate their load. As the verse exclaims, we must praise you and give thanks because it is the express will of God. If we do this faithfully, we will see your will for us. I pray that your Holy Spirit will encourage and guide us to say “thank you” even when we don’t want to, or we may not fully comprehend our immediate environment.

Please hear our prayers and continue blessing us with your sweet presence.


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