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Our Daily Prayer for Sunday - Millie McFarland Bilingual Spanish/English

“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.”

Exodus 20:12 ESV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Millie McFarland

Heavenly Father, I worship and praise your Holy name. I thank you for this new day and for the new mercies it brings. I thank you for my earthly mother, for my spiritual mother and for all of my sisters in Christ that have poured into my life. I honor them for all they do and for their steadfast prayers over my life.

Father, I pray that we know the value of our earthly father and mother. I pray that everyone honor them, respect them and follow the instructions giving by them. I know you have placed them over us to care and nurture us. So, I pray that we may love, cherish and respect them so that our days may be longer in you.

I pray a special blessing upon all of the women that stand in the gap for those that no longer have their mothers with them. I pray that you envelop each with your love and strengthen them as they pour out of themselves to minister to others. I pray a special anointing over their lives and may you bless them with the desires of their heart.

Father, I thank you one more time for who you are and all you do. You are faithful and a good, good Father. I lay this prayer at your feet in the matchless name of Jesus.


Honra a tu padre ya tu madre, para que tus días se alarguen en la tierra que el Señor tu Dios te da.

Éxodo 20:12 Español

Escritura y oración enviadas por: Millie McFarland

Padre celestial, adoro y alabo tu santo nombre. Les agradezco por este nuevo día y por las nuevas misericordias que trae. Te agradezco por mi madre terrenal, por mi madre espiritual y por todas mis hermanas en Cristo que se han derramado en mi vida. Los honro por todo lo que hacen y por sus constantes oraciones durante mi vida.

Padre, oro para que conozcamos el valor de nuestro padre y nuestra madre terrenales. Oro para que todos los honren, los respeten y sigan las instrucciones que les den. Sé que los ha colocado sobre nosotros para cuidarnos y nutrirnos. Entonces, oro para que podamos amarlos, apreciarlos y respetarlos para que nuestros días sean más largos en ti.

Rezo una bendición especial para todas las mujeres que están en la brecha por aquellas que ya no tienen a sus madres con ellas. Oro para que envuelvas a cada uno con tu amor y los fortalezcas mientras se derraman de sí mismos para ministrar a los demás. Oro una unción especial sobre sus vidas y que los bendigas con los deseos de su corazón.

Padre, te agradezco una vez más por lo que eres y todo lo que haces. Eres fiel y buen, buen padre. Pongo esta oración a tus pies en el incomparable nombre de Jesús.


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Our Daily Prayer for Saturday - Rick Costa

“That they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me.”

John 17:21 (NKJV)

 “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”

John 13:35 (NKJV)

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Rick Costa

Father, we humbly come before You, asking that you would by the power of the Holy Spirit; bind us together in love. Let us become us unified with one another, as you are with Jesus, we pray.  Lord, remind us that before all else we are children of the Most High God. Our identity and purpose in this life is found only in You.  

Remind us that we are citizens of Heaven and ambassadors of Christ on this earth. Give us Your heart for people that we would have compassion on all those around us that don't yet know you. Let sinners see Your love overflowing out of our hearts; that they would be convicted to want to get to know you.  

We rebuke the plans and schemes of the evil one; that tries to divide Your Body and keep us from coming together to fulfill Your ultimate purpose; that is to bring all men to Christ. Help us to remember that when we are in unity we can accomplish much.  

Holy Spirit, Comforter from Heaven, we ask that You would bring peace to the hearts of all those who are fearful and in anxiety. May we not be like Israel; who constantly worried about what they would eat and drink in the wilderness. Jesus You are the Bread of Heaven and You said that out of our bellies would flow rivers of living water! We trust You with our lives and our future. You're a good, good Father!

Finally, we ask that You would increase our faith; as we know that without faith it is impossible to please You. That mountain moving faith that caused the blind to see and the lame to walk. Jesus, you said that signs and wonders would follow them that believe. Oh that You would raise up children with the radical faith in You that never gives up!

We thank You and praise Your name forever for all these things in Jesus name. 


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