Posts tagged enemy
Our Daily Prayer for Wednesday - Millie McFarland

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”

Romans 8:28

Scripture & Prayer for Wednesday Submitted by: Millie McFarland

God you are our loving Father in Heaven; we are your children. We thank you for your guidance and your protection. We lift your Holy name on high.

Father, there are so many people feeling lost, unfocused and overwhelmed. We pray that you give each a sense of love and peace that no man can take away. Give them an unspeakable joy to hug their soul. Father, we come against the devices of the enemy that may attack their minds. Cover them with your healing blood.

Father, we don't always understand why we go through things, but we know you have a plan and a purpose for everything. Father, the word says all things work together for good; so that tells me the good and the bad come together in your favor. So, I thank you for my trails as they build character. I thank you for my life experiences as it has helped me gain more knowledge in the power of prayer, love, faith, service, gratitude and endurance. I thank you for healing me because now I have a testimony to help someone else that needs healing. Thank you Father for teaching us to trust and depend on you.

Father, thank you for loving us and calling us out of darkness. You have brought us to your marvelous light. At every moment of our existence you are present with your love and compassion. Help us be present for our brothers and sisters; in love and compassion. Lord, teach us to pray for one another and to draw strength through your word.

Father, we thank you for the good and the bad. We thank for working it all out in your favor for our lives. We honor you and we lay this prayer at your throne room. In Jesus Mighty name we Pray. Amen

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