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Our Daily Prayer for Thursday - Bishop Ryan Trawick

”For My thoughts are not your thoughts,

Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.

“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,

So are My ways higher than your ways,

And My thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9

Scripture & Prayer submitted by:  Bishop Ryan Trawick

Father, we come before you today with a heart of Thanksgiving for who You are! You are so good and faithful to us! Our circumstance doesn’t change your deity, nor does any situation we are dealt with decrease your power in our lives! You are the same yesterday, today and forever so we know that as you have revealed yourself in times past, you won’t fail to do it again! We thank you that in every problem that we are dealt, you are working out a plan to use it for our good because we know that with you, all things work together for the good of those who love You and are called according to Your purpose!

We praise you that you’re pulling remnants out of this season of pain and disappointment to bring about a revival in our land! We call upon you because we realize that you are not a back up plan but the only plan for bringing redemption to homes, churches and the nations of the world!

We pray that the body of Christ will truly understand that your ways are higher than ours and your thoughts are deeper then what we can fathom for us! So we rest in your strength, your provision and your power as you complete the work that you are doing in and through our lives!

We pray that you will give us the fervor; to press in to you and draw closer to you during this time. For we know that you truly desire an intimate relationship with your people! At the heart of it all Father, let us never stop longing for your presence because we know that Your presence in our lives changes everything. I ask all of these things in the name of Jesus.


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